
BB9 Just why did Nicole decided to go into the BB house?

by Guest61005  |  earlier

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She knows about the affair but can't say anything. She won't clean, cook etc most probably because she's got a maid to do all that at home. She won't talk to anyone besides Rex but takes her frustrations out on him. She won't get involved ..even in tasks. So why does she want to go into the BB House? Surely she doesn't think she could win it?




  1. JUST why do you still care about this absolute utter BULLSHI*

  2. BB put her in with the hope that she'd confront Rex, she never will. She would have never made it through an audition process on on personality alone so god knows why they asked her.  

  3. All she has done is show us just what an arrogant, control freak Rex is , and what a silly, immature, Drama Queen she is. What a pair! Both horrible, get them out.

  4. What can I say....She's young and clearly didnt think her decision through. She's not doing herself any favours is she? I dont know who is worse, her or Rex!

  5. Yes I agree!! All she ever does is moan!! Its actually getting boring now!! If she really wanted to leave, she would just go!! She just wants Rex to chase her, thats all!!

  6. For the 15 minutes of fame that follows after BB. Photo Shoots with her and Rex appearing in Ok, Heat, Hello, maybe her own Calender etc etc.

    She obviously didn't think it through properly going in the house knowing what she did about Rex and not being able to say as she's now having a little bit of a meltdown which I think the BB Bosses have to take a bit of responsibility for as I would imagine they egged her on to go into the house to spice up the ratings.  

  7. I guess BB put her in hoping that things would spice up. They couldn't have been more wrong.

    I for one can't stand looking at her ugly mush....And Rex's ugly mush.

  8. Hi lol I was thinking the same thing, there is no point in her being there for one thing she cannot even tell rex about what she knows about him so what is the point, unless big borther has other plans but who knows, maybe get the stripper over here and put them all in the house together lol.

    I just love it when she threatens to walk noone cares they just let her get on with it lol  


  10. The same reason they all do, for fame

  11. ££££££££££££££££££££££££££££ that is your answer I swear ££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££ oh fame but it has backfired in her face now as people do not like her.

  12. Coz Rex took all her knickers in with him, apart from the Bridget Jones pair that is!

  13. I have no idea why either, as she doesnt do anything apart from play the spoilt little madam and whinge all the time, i seriously wish she would just go, but before she does, she should shout at Rex at the top of her voice that she knows about his affairs and theyre splashed all over the papers, then say to him, by the way, youre dumped!!!!!!!

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