
BB9! Nicole! during the Jacko video "I want to be in the front (or I will throw a tantrum)!" ?

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This how I read it anyway!

Do you agree?




  1. Well she was good as Jacko anyway, the others couldn't dance. I still want her to go tonight though.

  2. yes silly tart ..i wouldnt care but she couldnt even do the dance right =/  

  3. OOOOOOOOOH i can do it. ive got it . im officially the best grrr she makes me angry acting like shes the only one who can do it and always sulking. BYE BYE NICOLE! lol x

  4. Yes. the spoilt little bast@rd saying "I'm the best dancer, I'm the only one that can do it". She's nothing but a selfish little brat who's about to be given a lesson she's long overdue !

  5. Spot on Mrsg......loved it when Mikey told her that even she wasn't picking up the moves and Lisa said she was going to fast and made a mistake !!

  6. "I want to be in the front ( or I will throw a tantrum and dump my boyfriend)"

    Too bad he didn't chose someone else cause I want to see her dump him, to see her alienated in the house nd to see him sulk and all that c**p. First BB break up would have been good!

  7. Yes,i agree.Can you imagine her reaction if Rex had picked someone else.She'd have lost it completely!!!.

  8. I was expecting her to say " I will scream and scream until I'm sick"

    She makes the palms of my hands itch, so strong is the urge to slap her spoilt mush.

  9. I wish that they'd let you in the house to sort a few of them out...

    dR bad

    Rex is an absolute idiot..

  10. yes i think you're right , get nicole out

  11. LOL! was the Rex and Nicole show, how anal retentive can one couple be

  12. Yes, I read the same. Rex had no choice but to pick her. The faces of the others were a picture.

  13. I just can't wait for Friday night, I might put a bet on, that Nicole gets 100% of the votes.

  14. 'I want to be at the front' 'the other housemates are idiots' (when she found out she was up for eviction) 'I have had enough' (when she found out she was up for eviction), the list is endless!

    And Rex, tossing a coin to see if Sarah would be evicted or Nicole.... this is the Sarah he got on so well with BEFORE his hissy fit girlfriend went into the house!  Does a REAL man sit there so desperately tossing a coin if he is so convinced that his 'better looking than any other woman' (puke puke) is so charming the public might vote her out?  I think not.... I think that they both know they are a pair of stuck up spoilt brats playing house in an environment they think they are far too good for and they are losing their grip on reality. They bicker and argue for England, they are rude and obnoxious to other housemates and they clearly have not been taught manners and etiquette towards others........... their 'parents' must be soooooo proud!

    Get the pair of them out - get rid of that stuck up Nicole and hopefully her ginger whinger of a boyfriend will follow of his own free will........ especially if he is up for eviction next week, he wouldn't want the humiliation of his eviction night once his floozy had gone.

    My blood BOILS!


  15. She is one of the worst examples of a petulant child I have ever seen, her parents must be embarrassed and she will see that she is neither endearing or special when she finds out what most of the public think of her.

    Rex bigged up her looks wayyyyyyy tooooo much!

    Her nose is not attractive her scowling eyes and mouth make her look witchy and her gutter language just puts the nail on her coffin!

    You know what? - I really do not like her at all!

  16. Agree with you 100% but we might have expected that, she's just a spoilt brat.  What I thought was worse was Rex cowering down to her and which lost him a lot of respect as HOH.  But then we should have expected that of Rex too - the gutless wonder.

  17. Yes,she had to get her own way as phone bill is rapidly escalating .

  18. YES!!!!

  19. I think the 96% record may be broken on Friday  

  20. she's just  a  spoilt brat  and  a selfish  one  too   ,she  could possibly go  out  to  more boos  than  Grace did  bring it  on  !

  21. Definitely Y - she so thought she was the best too didn't she!  Mo should have been Michael Jackson.  Did you see Lisa's face when Rex said Nicole - priceless!!

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