
BB9 Nicole got 94% of the vote (a new record) are you surprised considering their were 3 people up.?

by Guest65635  |  earlier

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  1. YES!!!!! I knew that record would go but I thought it would be Rex, time yet for him to beat this one!!!!!                                                                                                                                                                                                               edit.  Sezer was also up against two others(richard & Leah)

  2. not at all, everyone hates her ha ha ha

    Lmao the boos !!

    x*FUNKYLiCiOUS [✗][☆]

  3. no, im glad she is gone, her eviction has restored my faith in the fellow english folk

  4. no cause she a rela *****!!!

  5. I take it that other 6% have never watched the programme!

    I hope Davina tells her and the audience all laugh and laugh

  6. omg.. thought it wudve bn more than that!! LOL

  7. No, she was such a brat and incredibly rude and mean, so I'm glad she got that much.  Maybe she will grow up a bit after this.

  8. No, not surprised.

    At least she has achieved a world record.

  9. It would have if it was anyone but her....

  10. Good grief people are you mad. Yes Bless her, she is annoying, but at nineteen she has the right to be. Mo on the other hand is a nasty greedy creep who takes pleasure from being a total prat and has no feelings for anyone else. He is greedy, smelly and arrogant, and I am sure if you were in the house your views would be different. Do not let him win, standards people, standards...... Get Mo ( disgusting nasty creep) OUT!!!!!!!!!!

    M xx

  11. Nope no suprise to me, all she did was b*tch, whinge & cry. She shouldn't have been sent in to the house in the first place, she's not mature enough to cope.

    What the h**l did she have on, it looked like a bandage, I wonder if Rex bought it for her ? *lmao*

    Good Luck. X :-)

  12. oh how much i would love for davina to tell her that in the interview...

    only 5-6% between lisa AND sara.. ahaha not acctually that surprised.. Nichol's not a princess shes a spoilt *****!

    i guess that 6% is her family and the people they're paying??

  13. Ha Ha......Not a record I'd like to be known for. 94% is a h**l of a lot one of the most hated housemates ever !

  14. well at least she achieved something in that house lol  

  15. hahaha  no  surprise  to  me  i  do   hope  davina  tells  her lmao

  16. 94% means nothing unless we know how many votes were cast.

    No I'm not surprised.


  17. not in the slightest

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