
BB9 Rachel the winner, anyone else feel robbed this girl did not earn that title!?

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I'm so disappointed Rachel was BORING from the word go how the h**l has she won! I don't think I will watch BB again what a load of c**p crowning that moron!!




  1. I wish I'd put a few quid on her at the start though lol !!

  2. ye she did deserve to win and nobody is forcing you to watch bb  

  3. im well happy she won :)she has a heart of gold and has taken some stick in there by them all.well done rachel :)

  4. I don't - not at all - she was the best , by far

  5. Actauly i wanted her to win. Im happy. Well Done Rachel :D

  6. ur deluded mate... She was the most deserving person in that house!!

    At least it wasn't the t**t they call REX!  

  7. I wanted Mickey to win but good on her.  Rex was always having a go at her saying she was boring but the public must have liked her lol

  8. here here ive said exactly the same in all my posts, weve had nice people in the past win , but least they were entertaining ie pete,brian,antony, and last years brian, people keep ranting about how nice she was but she was boring as h**l !!!!

  9. Well i really wanted Sara to win but i'm very happy with the Rachel winning - she's a lovely genuine girl - loved her interview with Davina - and Rachel put up with a lot of rubbish from rex - so for that she deserves the title of Winner         ;   )

  10. i feel robbed

  11. it cameron all over again .yawn!

  12. I think she did earn it for having to put up with Rex.

  13. She deserved it  ..... she is adorable.

    I'm so happy for her.

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