
BB9 Sl*t-Gate: If SARA wasn't GAGGING for .....???

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...NICOTENE... do you think that this situation would have blown up as much ... I think her mental state was affected by having to continually ponce cigarettes off REX ... and not getting enough nicotene




  1. When she had cigarettes she gave some to Rex and his witch Nicole and yet when she wanted one the tight ar*e didn't return the favour.

    She might be gagging for nicotine but I think she is gagging for s**y Stuart more .... and that is what Darnell hate.  

  2. I agree 100% on that. lack of nicotine can turn any placid smoker into the croc that came out of lake placid

  3. Well no because most of the time she was just sat there. It was them doing 90% of the talking. Plus, just before it started Rex had just given her half a cigarette, remember?

  4. dr bad you keep spurting all this cr@p about how she blew it out of proportion and so on, but how did she do that, i must have missed something, she was called to the diary room, she never cried in there and when asked if she wanted BB to intervene she told them no, she sat there taking it when they were bullying her not saying much at all, she again never cried

    its not until she went ot bed and was asked if she was ok, that she cried, not howling the place odwn and making a scene but just crying  -

    when did she blow it out of proportion  

  5. Ha Ha Doc....Just ask my Hubby what I'm like if I run out of Cigarettes !! You may well be right with that theory !!

  6. look, they would not have done it to any other housemate, because no other female other than Bex conducted themselves in that manner. the good thing about Bex is, she was an honest sl*t taking out her ****. with sara, even when being insulted, she sits there with a smile on her face. when all along she was sitting down on darnell and playing with him, then joking around answering rex by saying,'if i sleep in darnell's bed he will try to have s*x with me' and the other time when she jumped out his bed into stu's bed saying 'if i sleep with darnell, he will try to feel me up'. then she turns around and says she was only joking. why can't ppl see how insulted darnell must have felt when she was trying to put him across as being a pervert and then saying only joking?

    as a female, i can say that is bulsh*t. she asked for it. only coz it was a woman, ppl are making it look like it was worse that way, oh pleeease!!!! darnell called Bex a sut before coz of her always taking her **** out, why wasn't anything done then? it's all rubbish. if darnell tried to talk to jen or sylvia like that whilst in there, they would have had a serious face and it would have become an argument. it sara who always wanted to be joking about. i don't see why it should be any different for a male or a female. darnell fancied Bex but she never made him look bad to others, they just couldn't get along. sara never got serious and said don't disrespect me. i wouldn't have even taken her serious...all she said was 'you don't knw me how can yo call me a sl*t. all before that, darnell was fine. he would joke about, still a bit paranoid but he would enjoy himself. sara has become his downfall since she tried to make him out to sound like some sort of pervert, that is what ppl need to remember.

  7. It was them that were doing the insulting ,She was having to sit and listen to the sexist rubbish  

  8. sure she always gave rex hers to share.  She just expected something in return.  That didn't involve darnell, and it was mainly his fault and then rex and mo started to join in after that.

    Nothing to do with nicotene,, STUPID.

  9. Tut tut....

    Check your spelling Clive....

  10. I'm sorry,but help me out here.When did Sara blow the situation out of proportion?.Darnell calls her a sl*t etc,and it's HER fault?.

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