
BB9 Something funny is goin on.?

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Ok well first of all it seems that Luke might be right (not with Kat though) Darnell, Rachel and Sara have a tactical vote. Notice this- Bex, Luke, Dale, Stuart. They were all really good mates. Kat, Rachel, Darnell and Sara all vote for the same people to be nominated. I don't think Kats in on the plan though. Because of what she said about Stu lst week.

You might say " Yeah thats cos of the friendship group there in" but that might not be true.

I don't know wats up with the public nd housemates. The public are keeping Rex in wen hes nominated.

Housemates havent nominated Nicole yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GET HER OUT!

Mikey is startin to pi$$ me off. He's so rude and listens to arguments repeats them and stirs trouble up and acts all inicent. Throwing water over people with a little stupid duck. Yh he's funny sometimes but hes bein a idiot!

Who agrees??? Or do u disagree??





  1. Mighty Boosh Is Right .. your argument doesnt stand up about more carefully... there is no way she wanted Stu or dale to go...

    dR bad

  2. I don't agree with you on the nominations thing, but yeah get Nicole, Mikey, Mo and even Darnell out please!

    Sara or Rachel to win!

    PS - Does anyone find it kinda hypocritical the way Mikey calls everyone "miserable b*stards" when he never smiles lol

  3. I think Darnell has voted tactically, I'm not sure about Sara but Rachel seems to have voted all the people she wasn't keen on (apart from Rex!) I can't understand why she hasn't.

    Mikey can be repulsive but I like how he speaks his mind...especially when he is telling Rex to f off!

    I have supported Darnell all of the way but I think I would like Rachel to win.  I keep changing my mind.

  4. mikey pi$$es me off loads....... but nicole annoyes me more.  who the h**l does she think she is, she has gone in the house and speaks to people like ****......cmon people its a game thats gonna make you a shed loads of money just nominate her, why so scared of rex?

  5. i think darnell rachel and sara have a tactical vote or they wouldnt all seem to vote for the same people every week.

    housemates havnt nominated nicole bcse she was exempt but hopefully she'll be gone this week. i dnt know how they are putting up with her!!

    mikey must go out soon. if he gets in the final it will be h**l. he doesnt deserve to be there. i've never liked mikey. hes so annoying. he swears at people and tells them to do things all the time and hes always shouting. even in the diary room he shouts.

    personally, i think sara is so fake. she just goes over the top ALL the time. you can hear her above everyone else and she finds things so much funnier or more exciting than they actually are.

    nicole, mikey or sara to go.

    rex or lisa to win!

  6. Sara has nominated the same two people every week [Mo & Rachel] - your argument is flawed.

  7. No plan - Stu asked to go, so everyone nominated him. This tends to confuse the picture as they are not voting how they feel in most cases.

    Nicole was exempt - so it will be interesting to see what happens.She is such a pain in the backside that she'll be up for certain - rather amusing if it was her against Rex. Can't imagine what she see's in the heir-to-a-fortune-ginger whinger: he would do well to drop her when this is all over, she looks far too high maintenance.

    I think everyone was worried about the disabled bit with Mikey - a bit like Peter, except he had real charm as well as Tourettes. Can't stand the whiney voice - he is standing up to Rex but knows that there is a limit to what anyone can say back to him without looking bad.

    People complain about 'the big characters' going - I think it is getting (moderately) interesting as the pressure mounts: Darnell for example - complete car crash tv. Rumour has it Bex and Luke are going back in for a stint, though.

    Can imagine Kat winning - a bit like Nadia in some respects - without the op of course. Don't think she is in on this 'plan', or indeed planet.

  8. not sure on the nominations thing but defo get nicola out and rex too. and as for mikey hes done my head in from the start.

    i love darnell want him to win!

  9. I really do hope that Rex, Mo and Nicole are up for nominations this week - they are really doing my head in. I can't believe that they are still in there when some really lovely people have been voted out. Yes Bex was a pain in the neck at times but she was very entertaining to watch, especially the way she was with Luke. They voted Luke out because he was down without Bex - it was only a week for heaven's sake - Mikey and Mo have been down for ages now and they're still in there. What is happening to the voting public?  

  10. Wow! Tactical voting in BB? Who'd have thunk it!

    I think we get so involved in it that we forget it's a game.

  11. I cant believe Mikey is only JUST starting to pi$$ you off....

    He's been pi$$ing me off for weeks now......

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