
BB9 UK ~ Why is Darnell being mr nice guy?

by  |  earlier

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Because he is such a great guy right?

Nothing to do with the fact he has realised what an ignorant nob he has been, and oh yeah it's the last week, nobody will vote for him if he'd continued to be such a d!ckhead.

He goes on at others playing up for the cameras and being fake, well what is he then? I certainly won't forget his shocking behaviour, that's the REAL Darnell, and it aint pretty.




  1. He realised that bullying Sara won't help him win BB.

  2. £100,000

  3. absolutelu hes a FAKE MORON THEY ALL ARE


  4. Cos Sara's sucking up to the guy,feeding

    his ego and playing up to the public and

    cameras,Darnell being Darnell thinks she

    loves  him so watch out for the guy

    going ballistic very soon when she gets


  5. Yes I agree, all he is doing is trying to salvage the situation now but I don't think he will be able to get his fans back... I think the real Darnell is how we saw him with Sara.

    It's a shame, he and Rachel were my favourites.  

  6. Why did you answer your own question?

  7. well cos sara is pretending to fancy him again cos she cant resist the attention. we knew this before but people forgot. darnell is insecure and was hurt by sara before and so became miserable. now darnell is happier cos he thinks sara fancies him again and sara loves the game shes playing. she loves the attention and then she can be nasty to him and hurt his feelings like when she jumped onto stus bed to get away from darnell.  

  8. Money money money - it's all he can see - i hope the public do the right thing and chuck him tuesday. . .

    All the temper tantrums b/c he couldn't get what he wants from Sara - pathetic really isn't it?!

    As for people calling Sara names  -- why is it always the girl who gets the reputation - what century are we living in?   she flirted, she  hasn't slept with anyone...

    I couldn't tell you what i think of darnell - i wouldn't be allowed. . . but i can say he's a bully and **that's what he'll be remembered for**. . .

  9. Because Sara the Sl*t is all over him like a rash!

    Darnell thinks all his christmas's have come at once, as Doc pointed out what kind of person rubs themselves all over a guy that only 3-4 days before called you a sl*t?

    I'll tell you what a girl with no pride, who couldn't give a dam about anything but the end game!

  10. in the past i used to like darnell and used to think he was the most 'real' housemate in there but as the weeks have gone by i have seen another side to him which is not so pleasant.

    i think he is being very paranoid and saying some hurtful things to his fellow housemates and is still really desperate to win.

    REX TO WIN!!!

  11. He's constantly worried about what the public think of him, I hate that.

    He's not worried about how he's affecting the other people in the house, only how the outside see him.

    You know what I hate? You can tell BB's crappier now by the fact that the housemates see the whole thing as a show. They say 'in the show', instead of 'in the house'.

  12. Why did you bother to ask us when you already know the answer?

    Yes, he is a great guy.

  13. I dislike Darnell so much, he is totally paranoid.  One minute he is Mr nice guy and the next he is a total mad man.  A real Jekyll and Hyde character.  I really hope he doesnt win, he isnt a nice person at all IMO

  14. because of the fact he got caught bullying

  15. He is a completely ignorant sexist t**t, and I have also lost any respect for that stupid tart Sara. All over him like a rash after the shite he said to her, tramp.

    He is totally playing the game, just won't admit it.

    Back to the jungle soon for monkey boy, hopefully next one out.

  16. More to the point .. why do girls continue to play up to and fraternize with guys that call them those sorts of names...

    You tell me what type of girl...

    Mybe its SHE who thinks that she survived against LISA due to her on-off relationship with Darnell keeping viewers hooked..

    ..and decided to keep it up...  

    If anyones playing out of them 2 ... most of us NOW know who is the bigger player...

    dR bad

    If you know the guys boiling bunnies... why wind him up even more ...

    Actions speak louder than words for me...

    I would rather say the wrong thing ... than DO the wrong thing..

  17. He's a complex person and not one that I would choose to befriend. He's a male bunny boiler too!

    And he was right when he said that people will think he's a ********.

  18. i used to like darnell , until his true colours showed

    and sara did not deserve to treated in the way he treated her.

    she came out the better person for it , she acted very dignified.

    now darnell , because sara survived eviction ,

    has changed his game plan , very cute  

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