
BB9: Was Rex telling Rachel to stop asking Nicole how she's feeling when he saiD "I had a chat with her and ?

by  |  earlier

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Edit: It may have been Sara he said it to as he's trying to get matey with her isn't he!




  1. They deserve each other, they are as bad as each other. Hes an arrogant control freak, and she is a spoilt little *****. And its making me cringe that rachel is being so nice to nicole, when nicole has done nothing but slag her off.

  2. Whatever Nicole has heard about Rex obviously didn't stop her from going in the house, giving him a big welcome hug and sharing his limelight.  If she was that bothered about what she has read then she shouldn't be in there as his girlfriend.  And that is all she is.  They aren't married so if he has played away then all she needs to do is dump him, or put up with it.  She doesn't own him.  

  3. He's been shitting it for days now P.......He knows Nicole knows what he's been up and it's only time now before it all comes out !!

  4. what are they going to let slip please am i missing something

    Why did i not see this.  When did he say this.

  5. Oh...he's bricking it alright.....

  6. He's absolutely sh*tting his pants.Why was Rex not warned for hitting Mo,when Mo got hauled to the diary room & warned for hitting Mikey. Bloody double standards!!!!

  7. Lol tell me about it! He should be afraid............very afraid...............

    And am i the only one who loved it when mickie gave nicole a good old telling off?

  8. He is definitely runnning scared P - sh*tting bricks I think is the phrase lol !!

  9. Rex actually is dating a former playgirl Ashley (23)

    She contacted Nicole through Space and told her that MY boyfriend was cheating on me.

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