
BB9: Why is Chanelle saying that she's after DALE...??

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..and wants to steal him from JEN.... he just desperate to stay in the papers..?

..and should give her a ring..? ☺




  1. As soon as it's all over with Jen he should call her, she is an expert at fake BB relationships and getting press coverage despite being a trampy non entity who is long past her sell by date.

  2. Because it would give her another 2 minutes in Z List Celeb Land Doc !

  3. I cant stand Chanelle. She is such a annoying attention seeker. She ought to get a real job...

  4. because  it keeps  her sorry  @rse  in the  papers    ,   she  will  do  and  say  anything to  be  kept  in  the  limelight  you watch   when  rex  leaves  she 'll turn her  attention  on  him  ,can you just  imagine  the  two  bunnies  together PMSL

  5. Anyone with any self respect will stay well away from the freak of nature that is chanelle. I have a friend who fancies her. I don't understand it at all  

  6. Dale should run then, channell's loopy ! Jen will dump dale once the money stops coming in for her fake romance.

  7. She is just desperate...period.

    Go on...try your

  8. Shes a w***e.  

  9. because she's a sad mother fucka, and needs to get a fecking life!

  10. She is after any guy who is slightly more famous than she is.  

  11. poor Chanelle is just making herself look even stupider than usual.

  12. Maybe she *gasp* likes him?!

  13. The bunny boiler wants to be kept in the limelight........if you can call the Daily Star the limelight that is!


  14. Is there no depth that this silly slapper won't stoop to, to get a few seconds in the limelight. What a sad desperate little tart. Mind you I hate Jen so love to see her have a go

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