
BB9: Would you pay £100,000 to eat a bogey?

by  |  earlier

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Mo did, as I think he's shot himself in the foot as far as winning goes with that disgusting act.

Apologies for re-posting but worded it wrong before, hey at least you get another 2





  1. mo is pathetic and disgusting i dont like him he disgusts me

  2. i would eat mikeys snots for a Bugatti car and half a million pounds !!!! but not for cider .=/  

  3. I Would But I will most Probally Throw Up

  4. i get  what  your saying   PWD  he may  have  lost  his  chance  of  being in the final  now   ,  but  i think  Mikey is just as  bad  for  allowing him,  i haven't forgotten   all the disgusting  things  mikey  has  done  either  and   hes one  of  the faves  to  win  ,so  who  knows  

  5. He'd eat anything the greedy bast ard. That's rank. I can't even read about it, it makes me wanna hurl.

    There's no way on earth he should win after that.

  6. Would I PAY to eat a bogey?  No... I wouldn't even do it if I were being payed!

  7. I thought it was the funniest TV I've seen for ages.

    Lighten up folks it's only a bogey!

  8. Still worded wrong, mo didn't pay £100,000

  9. No i would not eat some one elses bogey for a million pounds E I almost thre up last night and kat "hard core hard core" in diary room pmlrof

  10. I'd do it for £100,000...

    It only takes a second (EW iKNO!) But...Then it's done and over with and you've got your £££ = ]

    & plus if you didn't do it, you'd be looking back thinking, 'OMG if only I did it I'd have 100,000£ now...'

    So yeahh..


  11. I know if he had the tinest chance of winning before that he has chucked it out the window by eating Mikeys bogey.

  12. i would eat a boger for 100k,  10 seconds of horrible and a lifetime of not worrying as much about money

  13. Mo did it for a can of freaking cider! CIDER!

    I wouldn't even consider it for a million!

  14. Seen it, What a Tard that guy is, Well he is a greedy B`trd.

  15. I felt physically sick watching that. If there was ever any doubt about the hm's naming him greedy Mo, they've gone now. How anyone could do that for a 35p can of cider I'll never know .................. I wonder what he'd do for a bottle of brandy lol !!

  16. i reckon the blokes so hungry that he would eat a bogey from a horse,and he would still be hungry.

  17. No

  18. Is this the reason I should be glad I missed last nights show?

    Well John McCririck did it regularly on CBB........reckons it's full of protein.......maybe Mo watched it:))

  19. How many wheels?

  20. I wouldn't eat my own let alone someone elses!!!!

    It was so disgusting we had to change the channel until it was all over and done with.  My stomach was churning so much I thought I was gonna hurl there and then in our living room!

    How anyone could do THAT and all for a can of CIDER!!  That guy has got serious problems, very serious problems being prepared to do that!

    He had no chance of winning BB before he did it and even less chance now!

    I felt sorry for Darnell....he felt ill afterwards for ages!

  21. jeez mo would do anything for a can of cider wouldnt he

  22. I ONLY HAVE  1 THING TO SAY.................


  23. I wouldn't ask anyone to do anything that was so excruciatingly disgusting.

    When I look at him now, I want to vomit....he's disgusting (and that's putting it mildly).

  24. i wouldn't pay any money to eat a bogey

  25. That was bleeding disgusting P........If there was ever a part of me that felt sorry for Mo....Well not no more !!!

  26. Yep i would... lol!

    5 seconds of mingingness for money!


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