
BB9UK: Did anyone believe that Jen & Dale were genuine....??

by  |  earlier

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..or do you sadly think that her husband is wrong..!!!

maybe you are the sort of person that thought Bramanda would last for at least 6 months too..




  1. No one in their right mind believed that that was real. It was all for the money and to stay in the spot light. However when will exBB contestants realise that once you are out of the house your time is UP

  2. I am too much of a cynic to believe anything about ex HM's and their families when it comes to mag deals!

    A quick way to make a quick buck!

    That's why I don't buy the mags either!

  3. Nobody knows anything apart from David and Jen, or maybe Dale if he is in with the secret too, if there IS a secret. No one can predict or assume anything.

  4. I'd date dull Dale for a £100k - nice work if you can get it.

  5. The question I have to ask, is why is she even dating someone if she is married?  I do think she has some kind of feelings for Dale (he definitely has feelings for her) .. but why is she even going out with guys if she is MARRIED?!!?  THAT is so wrong?  No one has said she is even "going through a divorce .. or separated .. all I hear is that she is married.  That's horrible.  Certainly, if we all know that, then Dale should know that she is married too.

    HOWEVER, if they really are separated or just waiting for a divorce to be finalized, then I wouldn't trust anything that an (almost-ex) husband says about his (almost-ex) wife.  You know he would say anything to make her look bad then.

  6. I believed Dale was genuine, but not Jen, (she fancied Stuart rotten).  

    Jen's out to make money - good luck to her, I just hope Dale can take the pain when she 'suddenly' realises that she should go back to her husband for the sake of their daughter.....yeah right.

  7. I am positive it's a scam, she'll probably ride it out for as long as the magazine deals last and then return to her husband.  

    She's just a money grubbing tart who couldn't give a c**p as long as she gets a bit of fame from BB, what kind of 'strict' catholic poses in lingerie in all the lads mags?

  8. you know what i find sad. whilst she was in the house she was keeping the distance which i do understand, but for someone who said around 8 months ago in their vt that they hate kids and would nail any f***y in the house, and, giving the circumstances that she faced with her husband, she doesn't seem to be too concerned about her future with Dale and her    

    daughter. i believe they may have feelings for each other but it won't last. Jen had to grow up quickly whilst Dale is trying to grow up still. it was like only when Davina was like 'say you love Dale, please say you love Dale, or that you will go out with him'. if you really paid attention to Jen's reaction, she was only saying what Davina wanted to hear.

    another thing, she spent 24/7 with Dale when she was in the house saying, i can't see myself with dale for so long and then after being evicted, began sating that she is disgusted, then saying that Dale is the one for her. now, if being away from somebody so long and getting out seeing the side of them that they would not portray infront of others, just became clear to you....then it's even more reason to stay away...i mean seriously...i don't believe Dale was genuinely sorry about what he said in that vt......thats why i don't believe it.

  9. No way. XD

    God, was reading an interview with them and Jen is asked ' Are you hiding from your husband?' or something like that and the idiot replies 'Yes, I don't want him to know where I am, I am with friends in Plymouth at the moment.'

    Enough said.  

  10. I just hope Jen spends some of the money she makes on a good dentist ....... Ive never seen someone carrying tombstones around in their mouths before.

  11. no  i  never  did in the same way  bex  and  luke  are  fake  its all   about  the  money

  12. Never believed it for a minute....But also don't believe that Jen and husband are still together. Why would husband blow the whistle if it was all a fix and Jen was doing it for money for them?

    Mind you...There is money in him blowing the so called whistle too....Money is the root of all their evils.

  13. no they are so fake!!!!  And she is so over rated, look at the head on her, lol

  14. Feel a tad sorry for Dale doc as I believe it was genuine on his behalf but as for Jen once she started sneaking off to join her old man on nights in hotels you knew she was only in it for the dosh !

  15. I think Jen may have been putting it on for publicity, but I believe Dale to have been genuine.

    (I saw Jen a few weeks ago in Tesco!)

  16. They are genuine. A genuine pair of retarded f**k-up's that is.

    I wish them all the best.

    Of bad luck and misery.

  17. ha ha erm no that was inevitable - now we are gonna have that stupid cow coming back with "his trying to ruin my life" yer alright jen sod off now

    i feel a bit sorry for dale, although i give it a month before he is cosying up with chanelle she has her claws out for him at the moment

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