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i really really hope mikey goes next week, i know they won't nominate him, but arghhh i hate listening to all the S**t he comes out with.

anyone else dislike mikey??




  1. LOL! No thanks, he's stuck up for himself this week and ha been quite entertaining

  2. Mikey's great.  I genuinely believe that is what he is like in normal life and not trying to be a popular person.  Plus most of his points are totally valid.

  3. come off it, when he dropped Rex in it that was great tele

  4. I actually think he's quite funny lol.  It's disgusting when they show you him eating though..... haha!

  5. He is so rude and has disgusting mannersI hope he goes also

  6. Nahhh I love him!

    He doesn't talk sh*t he talks the truth.

    Some people just can't handle the truth.

  7. nah.

    Rex is the b*st*rd.

    I know its your opinion.

    But God how the h**l can you say you

    like that fake bullying scum over Mikey?

    Mikey is honest, truthful & funny.

    He's great.

    I wish Nicole and Rex had both gone.

  8. he's irritating..don't want him to win...but every now and then through all the rubbish he comes out with something that is spot on........he's a good bubble burster......he's a milllion times beter than when he first came in...much more his own person....think mario going was a turning point and luke leaving (strangely) made him stronger some how.....

  9. I am soooooo with you on this.  I cannot stand Mikey.  Of course I realise he is blind -he reminds us of this constantly - but I refuse to like him because he is.  He is a creepy nasty little pervert of a man.  And it annoys me that they do not show what he is really like on the edited show - he comes across much worse when you watch it live, but BB only shows things they want us to see.  

    I love Rex!    Yes Rex to win!

  10. No, Nicole, we quite like him...:-)
You're reading: BB9UK: GO HOME MIKEY?

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