
BB9UK- How has Mikey managed to be the fave to win throughout the WHOLE series..?

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BB9UK- How has Mikey managed to be the fave to win throughout the WHOLE series..?




  1. He's kept it real /// Has been entertaining on occasion /// defended himself when necessary - rather than being some kind of shrinking wallflower /// He has given Nicole and Rex a few choice words //// and to cap it all he ate a Scotch Bonnet pepper practically whole !!!

    What more could you ask for !! Hahahaa  

  2. exactly what UP THE DEISE , COME ON WATERFORD said.

  3. sympathy vote and nothing else which I think is disgraceful!  He is very able and he is only minus his sight.

    He is rude , creepy and stomac churning!!

    I want Rex to win, aalthough this seems to really upset people!! Rex is fab!! not in the looks department but with regards to being real and entertaining the whole way through!!

    REX TO WIN!!

  4. He has been constantly funny, he doesnt play up to the cameras like the rest and he stands up to Rex while everyone else sucks up to him.  Mikey to win!

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