
BB9UK: does anyone else feel sorry for nichol?

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i really didn't like her, but i do kind of feel sorry for her in a way.




  1. Yes I feel sorry for her always have ,Yes shes a spoilt little rich girl,But that is what she is ,thats her,And I think it was very cruel of BB to put her in there without really reaserching the situation ,hes cheated on her ,dont matter who she is or what she is ,It must be a nightmare for her ,hes a control freak as well ,If I was her mother I would go there and bring her home, Shes getting the wrath of the public now as well .because shes breaking down over the situation .She could do a lot better than that idiot  

  2. Nope I don't feel sorry for her at all, she chose to go into the house so why moan about it all the time. She's a spoilt wee brat and has totally ruined Rex and big brother for that matter I can't take any more of her tantrums my 2 year old would not get away with that behaviour.

    I pray she is evicted or walks this week!

  3. No. Not at all.

    She chose to go on the show, so she has to deal with it.

    She could have just  dumped him like a sane normal person.

  4. No I don't feel sorry for her. Her tantrums are childish, and she has been spoilt by a stupid, pamper to all her little whims Mother. My goodness, I am so glad she is not my Daughter I think watching her on the t.v. would embarrass me to my very soul and maybe realise what a mess of a life I had reduced my Daughter to.

    Of course, Mummy darling will be there to pick up the pieces and spoil her even more.

    Rex well he should have been kicked out of the house ages ago, pity he and the housemates don't know how unpopular he is.

    Wonder how his business will fair when he gets out, hope he goes under.

  5. yh finally i also agree with you i know people say it was her fault for going into the house but ok im sure we have all made mistakes listened to our hearts rather than our brains and i also think people are fogetting that she is only 19 years old and has to deal with a 24 year old controlling man telling her what she can and cannot do .

  6. i don't like her, but feel sorry for her, she is young and naive and doesn't really seem to know what to do for the best, they have such a dreadful relationship...and he's a cheating scumbag

  7. at first i also didnt like her thinking she was a spoilt brat but now im actually feeling some sympathy for the girl it must be hard for her  

  8. yeah i thought it was only me! lol

    i really didn't like her and thought she was vile!

    but tonight i really feel sorry for her

    you could really see the hurt in her eyes when she just walked into b-block then. she looks so alone :(

    she is still a child and doesn't know what to do

    i cant stand Rex!!



    i just read this and feel even sorrier for her :(


  9. No, not at all.

    If she wants the housemates to know her as Nicole the person and not just Rex's girlfriend then she needs to make an effort to get to know each of the housemates individually and give them the opportunity and chance to get to know her too.

    That's what each and every one of the other housemates had to do, so why should it be any different for her.

    You don't get what you want by moaning and crying about it. You have to get up, go and get it and make it happen for yourself.

  10. You've got to be joking - stupid mare deserves all she gets!  She can just walk away she has a choice.

  11. No, Not in the slightest

  12. possibly abit because she can't confront Rex about his affair and yet she is with that moron.  But she should leave and if she is nominated this week, this could be the best thing for her.

  13. I like her, and I do feel sorry for her.

  14. Yeah I thought I was the only one, My opinions are easily swayed by a short skirt though, so I cant be trusted.

  15. Yes, slightly,it must be hard for her.

  16. I agree with you to an extent but there is only a certain amount of sympathy you can feel for someone who don't want to help themselves. If she decides to stay and put up with being abused/controlled for the sake of money then my sympathy wears thin quickly. As far as I am aware this 'abuse/controlling' has been going on since the beginning of their relationship so you can't help people who don't want to help themselves.

    No, I don't feel sorry for her at all, she is an extremely self centred person.

  17. No, I dont like her, shes a mardy pompous spoilt brat and the two of them are made for each other.

  18. no, and I'll tell you for why. the only reason BB put her in the house was to confront Rex and be the superstar couple of BB9. All she's done is cry and tell Rex to leave her alone. She's not doing herself any favours.

  19. Hey need to feel sorry - when she gets out there will be shed loads of money waiting for her and magazine deals and photo shoots...  If only she has the sense to ditch him then everything will be fine with her world !!!

  20. No i dnt like her

    she  should nt of went into the house  

  21. no im turning over to family guy

  22. No....BB did not tie her up and drag her kicking and screaming into the house.

    Her game plan is to make folks feel sorry for her and to hopefully steal the winnings.

  23. No, when she said to kat 'I'm waiting for Rex to come out and cook me some bacon' I thought you spoilt cow, then when he did come out she had a go at him then asked him to do her a fried egg as well. What a lazy mare, you're not telling me she can't cook bacon and eggs?

  24. i do in a way, she's still a child, but she really needs to confront him

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