
BB9uk: Was it just me who laughed at the whole situation yesterday LMAO?

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Well the way kat was crying, and kat getting booed. rofl. Made me laugh so hard i have stomach aches :P.

Then mohammed going i kinda felt sorry for him. and :O darnell crying for the first time :D

Rex was happy... standing by the door waiting for kat to leave.. ::PP

And the funny thing is she knew she wasn't going anywhere as she said

" please dont TAKE any of my friends away!"

and not saying soemthing like " oh i hope its not me"

HAAAA, im glad she got boioed.




  1. was brilliant the best eviction of the series, come on people she is leaving the house not going back to thailand

    she really thought she would win didn't she

    i was surprised she got so many boo's though, more people must have seen her for what she is than i thought they would have!!!

  2. It was hilarious!!!!

  3. I felt a bit sorry for them being given like 10 seconds notice, to go out and walk through a booing crowd without any mental preparation, but not sorry enough to stop me laughing. It's a game show at the end of the day, they have to expect stuff like that.

    Kat looked like Yoda in that dressing gown, shuffling around in them platform flip flops

    I agree about her being massively big headed by saying please don't take any of my friends away, the others like Darnell were going 'where's my jumper', ready to go!

  4. She thought she had it in the bag!!!!  How wrong was she!!! lol

    I noticed that she was saying that as well don't take any more of my friends away from me!!!!  Don't worry Kat they aren't going to when we can get you out instead mwahhahaha  

  5. Yep i was laughin aswell.

    it was so funny

    Now we need to get Mikey out  

  6. I totally agree, it was well funny XD

  7. " Happy happy happy house, happy house happy house, happy happy happy house, happy happy house"  - silly cow !!

  8. I'm not saying she didn't deserve to go because she did but she was sobbing and getting booed, that was horrible to watch.

    No, I didn't laugh ..... I'm saving my laughter for when Rex get booted out.

  9. omg I completely agree with you about Kat..I was going for ages!...but I couldn't laugh at Mo I felt sad for him when he left not that I wanted him to eave but it was just a different situation for him compared to Kat,and aww for Darnell!...Rex was funny to now I thin about it especially with comments and reaction!

  10. I agree she thought she'd win and couldn't take it when Davina read her name out - ridiculous for a 30 year old to be crying like a nine year old

  11. It was a little bit funny but I also felt sorry for her. I didnt really feel sorry for mohamed. I think he should have gone ages ago.

  12. I was stunned that anybody could act as fecking pathetic as Kat did, the worst thing is that all the bloody housemates carried on the same, WTF was that about, get a fecking grip, she's leaving the BB house, everyone was acting like she'd just found out she had a terminal illness FFS!

  13. it was hirairious,.ARRRGGGHHH ..

    She irritated me on a level unknown to humanity. She really DID think she was going to win, I bet me sis, that her tears will be turned off pretty quick once she she left the house. She wouldn't gamble, it was a dead cert.

    How was she not up for nomination sooner? If I lived in that house I'd have nominated her every week. Just for being so annoying.

    She has a dark side, why else would her best buddy Rachel apologise to her for voting out one of their little quartet of allegiance.

  14. I was laughing it was so funny. I couldnt understand her either. :) I cheered when Davina said her name for her to leave. It was great :)

  15. I was glad they both left and I wanted them to leave, but I kinda felt bad for Kat.  I think they should do all evictions like that.  A total surprise.  Everyone gets to nominate, but nobody knows who's nominated or when the eviction will take place.  haha .. I love the unexpectedness of it.  Just great!

  16. I laughed too.

    You would think someone had just died.

    Stupid people.

  17. No, it made me feel sad for Kat

    I was expecting Mohamed to get a BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!

    Didn't happen :(  

  18. She didnt deserved all those boooss???

    i wanted mo to go

    i feel kinda sad for her

  19. Im glad Kat was crying. Shes 30 years old for christ sake and she acts like she just lost her mother, rather than just not seeing a couple of people for 3 days. All of which are people that just 3 months ago she had nowt a clue about. What does that tell you about the woman?

    And she goes on about how they will always be friends. Live in the real world lady. That rarely happens. Visit Kat in 2 years time and see how often she still sees Rachel or Darnell. I bet not bloody often.

  20. Its onli 3 days till she gets to see her "friends". Cant the idiot cookie gal wait that long??

  21. I cracked up at it all....I was so glad when Davina said her name....Her face was a picture. She would have given anything to stay in that house.

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