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why or why not?




  1. Mine is Al Jazeera

  2. They both are biased.

    I dont trust the news.

  3. BBC because at least they can pronounce foreign proper names and they don't laugh every time they say a word with the letter "a" in the spelling

    The BBC is considered the MOST ETHICAL news agency on TV and Radio.  They have a strict policy of the fair reporting of the news and they have an entire department that researches the world news AND THE PROPER PRONUNCIATION of foreign nouns and proper names.

    CNN is the typical made for idiot AmeriKans type of magazine news.  It IS superior to that official white house propaganda trash from FOX NOISE CHANNEL... which is nothing but born again spin and OUTRIGHT LIES.

  4. I like al -jazeera too but also watch CNN on a regular basis and occassionally watch BBC never watch fox news though

  5. BBC & BBC world, a reasonable good reputation.

    Everything gets checked and double checked.

    CNN I find more about USA.

    Here in Belgium we have VRT(1) but many time sencored when it's about the Royals.

    VTM is very good at noon, very hot news and when it's about the royals, they go till the botom of it.
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