
BBC to reduce news quota due to London Olympics 2012

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BBC to reduce news quota due to London Olympics 2012
The British Broadcasting Corporation has recently revealed that its news quota which is kept for the news that are broadcast during the peak time may not be met this year.
The reason for the failure to meet its annual news quota this year is being attributed to the fact that BBC will have to give special coverage and first preference to the London 2012 Olympic Games that are scheduled to start from the July 27. Not only that,
BBC has also allocated special time for the Euro 2012. These two international sporting events are going to take a toll on the annual news time quota of the BBC.
A BBC News spokeswoman expressed herself on the issue in the following manner, “Clearly there are major sporting events happening in 2012 which could lead to scheduling changes but our commitment to bringing our audiences all the latest news and current
affairs in peak time remains as strong as ever.”
The BBC has stated clearly that the news broadcast that takes place between 6 pm and 10 pm will in all likelihood experience a cut back in its airtime during the time of the Euro 2012 and the Olympics as these two events will be having more demand and viewership.
The channels that will experience a cut back will be some of the editions of the BBC1.
The BBC Trust has been notified of the expected cut back in the news airtime this year. The number of hours that the BBC will be dedicating to the London 2012 Olympic Games is 18 and this is expected to be done on a daily basis. The coverage of the event
is going to take place from 6 am until midnight when the Olympic Games are underway.
The coming of the Olympic Games this year to London marks a momentous occasion for the city as it will be the third time that the capital of England will be playing host to the Games, making it the only city in the world to have the honour of staging the
Olympics for three times.



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