
BBCs 'Road Rage' - Did it make you laugh?

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On last night (Monday) , one woman was seen arguing with a Parking Officer. She came across rather snobbish indeed , checking her 'Atomical clock' on her mobile phone attempting to disprove his machine's timing , blaming him for 'illegal parking' fines and will not have enough dosh for her child's ballet because she was always being 'targetted' by the enforcement officers , how f*ckin' snooty can you get?. These 'school-run' mothers want the roads to themselves to park anywhere they want in these big 'gas-guzzlers' they cannot even drive. They live a certain life that is alien to others but cannot see . or in denial , that we all have to use these roads equally. The b*****k naked cyclists were a farce.




  1. People never realise what fools they are making of themselves when trying to wriggle out of something instead of taking their lumps.You are right ,it was a very good chuckle.

  2. This made  me partly amused and partly angry.  Did you notice that stupid woman also said if she got too many parking fines her husband would take it out of her dress allowance?  Why do some people think that because they choose to keep their children rushing from one activity to the other, that they are entitled to ride roughshod over the rights of other people?  I would like to see the school run abolished.  Initiate no stopping zones within 1 mile of schools.  Leave the car at home and WALK.  What do they think we all did before parents had cars?  

    I was surprised at the bicycle police.  That was like something out of the Keystone Cops.  Surprising how many cyclists thought they were exempted from the law of stopping at red lights!

  3. yes it did but i do agree tanks should before the army only

  4. The woman arguing with the parking warden made me laugh. Some people think the are so important. What else did she say ? something about how her husband doesn't like it if she takes home too many parking tickets and takes it out of her clothes allowance. I need to stop typing now as it would be impolite to say what i really think

    What a bizarre woman.

  5. ....yeah.......they always complain about my tank.......too....

    ok so i block the road for a few hours picking up my kids....

    who's more important.........thats what i want to know.......

    me and my tank...........or some muppet trying to get past...

  6. I would ban all cars from city centres (park & ride).

  7. Agreed! Also loved 'Mr anger-management-tw@t' in his 3 tonne Jeep moaning about big vehicles blocking the road when he couldn't get by a builder's truck. Like a builder couldn't transport 20 tonnes of concrete slabs or whatever in a Fiesta!

    Makes me glad I don't live in London, must be a nightmare for residents of these areas.

  8. Mr jeep cherokee was a selfish idiot - the worse person on the programme.. I wonder how he thought he would come cross? Other than a wanxxer...

    Enjoyed the progrmme and was a little more polite this morning - doubt it will last long though...

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