
BBLB: Kemal, I've got nothing against the way he likes to look but don't you think Kemalella or something ?

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would be a More fitting name?




  1. I think Publicityseekingmincingknobhead would be a more appropriate name for him.

  2. oh god don't get me started on kemal what a weirdo

  3. I couldn't believe it, he's got b***s (not moobs) and his voice is different from last time.  I thought him and Makosi were going to be bitchy on screen but they weren't.

  4. He/she looked a bloody disgrace last night on BBLB I could not make out who it was to be honest looks like he/she lost a few more marbles E lol

  5. I didn't see him..I like people who are pete burns etc..but kemal dresses that way for attention and to be provocative...

  6. Didn't he go out with Kinga?!

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