
BBQ ideas for husbands birthday?!?!?

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my husbands bday is coming up and i wanna give a BBQ for friends and family. Id really love a different and FUN them to have. Some tips on what to serve for food would be nice too, and games...and of course decorations. Anything at all please. thanks!!!




  1. Food/Drinks:

    potato salad

    corn on the cob




    mikes hard lemonade

    root beer floats

    strawberry shortcake





    recipies can be found at


    treasure hunt



    3-legged race




    pick his fav color

  2. how about a Hawaiian themed party?

    everyone can wear lei's and coconut bras and Hawaiian shirts!

    You can grill some pork and pineapple and drink pina coladas!!!

    Sounds like fun to me!!

    Enjoy your special day!

  3. You could do a western theme, with red checked tablecloths, drinks served out of mason jars. You could have horse shoes set up for people to play, and at the party you could all talk cowboy talk (howdy  ma'am, etc.). You could pass out cowboy hats (that would be the party favor too).

    To complete the 30th birthday theme, you could add in a little "over the hill" too. Make the cake like "boot hill"...where the bad guys get buried...Make a mound cake with little tombstones on it!

    Good luck!

  4. have Horseshoes or bocheball, or something fun for outside.

    Serve Ribs, hotdogs, hamburgers and anything else he likes.

    for decorations, just put up balloons everywhere andd 'happy birthday ' signs.

    Good Luck and have fun!

  5. My husband is turning 30 next week and I did a "Take your best shot" theme. so its a combination of basketball and alcohol (as in shot glass) theme. for the basketball part I got ordered him a super cool sculpted cake that looks like a basketball court and another cake that looks like a sneaker on a box (it sounds weird but its cool) just google sculpted cakes for some ideas or sweetsweetsues (that's who i ordered mine from)....the food is stadium food which is easy for a BBQ and we have basketball decorations. for The "shot" part I ordered custom shot tubes that say his name and "take your best shot", everyone will be taking a shot whenever the clock hits 30 (1:30, 2:30 etc.) and for party favors I got mini basketballs that say thanks for coming "hope you had a ball" and the shot glasses are favors also. I also filled pinatas with plastic Mini liquor bottles and more shot tubes..........Hope this helped, have fun

  6. A kegger!

  7. When my husband turned 30  I threw a party based on the year he was born. Then I begged borrowed and stole 30 different items to wrap and give him as gifts, everything from false teeth, preparation H, adult diapers and a walker, just to remind him that he is getting older.

    As for food, if it is family and friends, make it a pot luck. You supply the meat and the cake, and have everyone else bring a side dish.

  8. Make him feel young by throwing the party college style. Use his university's colors in all ways--streamers, tablecloth, umbrellas, and paper plates and utensils. Have his friends and family dress in the same color style, or bring t-shirts and memorabilia from his former school.

    Serve tasty alcohol--sangria, beer, margaritas (something summer-y for the adults). Summer-themed drinks are always reminiscent of youth.

    Have plenty of activities. Keep the smallest kids involved with childhood games--jump rope, ring toss, or a sprinkler/kiddie pool. Teens and adults can always play basketball, soccer, or volleyball.

    As far as food goes, grilling out is always wonderful. Leave your husband in charge of the grill. Since it is his birthday, the food should be his choice. Ribs, beef, and chicken are all great choices for a barbecue. There should be a cold pasta salad, corn on the cob, regular green salad, perhaps a jello, fresh fruit, and terrific sides: baked beans, macaroni and cheese, biscuits, mashed or twice baked potatoes. For dessert, once again, use your husband's judgment. If he loves birthday cake, bake your own using his school's colors, or supply a dessert utilizing some fresh fruit, like a fresh berry cobbler or pie.

    Be sure to play all of the music that would have been popular during his college years (not too long ago) and ask your friends and relatives to bring with them a story or particular memory they have of your husband from that time period. It should be a very fun and memorable get-together!

  9. sports to make him feel young

    (basketball. football. soccer. catch. frisbee. races.)

    young kids can have a dance contest. a jump rope for the girls. football for the boys.


    chicken. fish. mac&cheese. potato salad. greens.


    a gazebo ar canopy just in case its sunny.

    streamers of his favorite colors.

    banner that says happy 30th

    a cake of his face or something he really likes.



    video games/tv somewhwhere for people who get tired or wanna chill

    if u have enough money, get some1 famous he really likes like a celebrity. or just an old friend that he hasnt seen in a while.

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