
BBUK: A question for the Darnell lynch mob?

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I don't condone the way he behaved last night but surely after reading the link you can feel a little bit of sympathy for the guy?

None of what he has said and done is because he's a bad guy, just screwed up and in need of a hug!




  1. A slap is what he needs.I'm sick and tired of his 'please feel sorry for me' act.There's no excuse for his behaviour last night,it was totally disrespectful.Sara's no angel but she didn't deserve that.

  2. yeah but be honest...he needs to earn how to handle rejection & stop being so d**n paranoid & dragging things on for weeks when they should be forgotten

    he needs to 'get over himself' pmsl

  3. Ramblings of a psychotic nutcase.  

  4. In need of a hug....don`t you mean in need of a `ugh`!

  5. Um- no

    (I've divorced better men !)

  6. it's no excuse for his behavior and the belittlement of a very beautiful lady, he's just a bully and also an attention seeker. PLEASE DON'T VOTE FOR HIM TO WIN!

  7. He needs to grow up and stop feeling sorry for himself!

  8. No he doesn't deserve a hug. The only reason he's 'trying' to explain his actions is because he woke up in the morning and realised, no doubt by how the other housemates were reacting to him, that he'd made one h**l of a massive mistake on his road to get the prize money.

    Therefore he has tried to fill in the hole that he dig last night and to be honest he's only making it deeper. I mean his excuse is that he was such a misogynist copy-rex twit because it's not that he can't have something it's why he can't have it?

    Well you know what there are many things i'd like in this world but i won't ever get them. Therefore if I behave like a complete and utter rude, arrogant ****** my actions are justified because, you know, why can't I have those thing?

    Total BS he was out of order and has no excuse for his actions, i'm sorry, but he really doesn't and by trying to make some lame childish excuse makes me dislike him even more.  

  9. Rubbish, he knew exactly what he was saying, disgusting sexist pig.

    Nothing can excuse his behaviour, he will live a sad lonely life with that attitude, I don't know how you can even try to defend him.

  10. I am glad you have said this M as I have pointed out this very same think in many of my answers - look for the reasons behind the behaviour.  He has psychological issues to do with his albinism and that is why he acts the way he does.  He rejects others before they can reject him - all part of his lack of self esteem and not coming to terms with the way he looks.  Yes I do feel sorry for him and don't condemn him at all.  He will be beating himself up big time at what he said to Sara because, as you say, he is not a bad guy.  He just wants what other 'normal' guys have - a relationship.  Sara has a lot to answer for by the way she has treated him.

  11. I was watching live when he said that to Kat and Rachel. To be honest, i lost interest in what he was saying, he must have repeated himself at least 3 times.

    He was trying to tell them something but he kept saying "I can't talk about it in here", so he was making no sense at all. He's not very good at explaining himself.

    I don't think Sara led him on, she flirts with everyone. She kissed Mo, and he knows she doesn't fancy him, you don't see him acting the way Darnell is, do you?  

  12. Yea thats the reason why he did it but it's no good reason.

    I dont feel sorry for him at all.

  13. i really don't see how sara led him on, yes she cuddles him and flirted with him and even shared a bed, but she ha stold him all the way along that she wants to be friends and that is it...

    no his reasoning is pathetic, she didn't say she felt like a outsider until he started to be funny to her and even if she had as a friend surely you should pull someone aside and say "ang on a minute you keep saying you have no one is making me feel like S**t" not become nasty and spiteful???

    ok he has problems in his head but that is not reason enough to make others lifes a misery, we all felt that rex was being a contolling a*****e with nicole but we didn't let him off saying he is obviously messed up in the head and has trust problems, no we see him for what he was and dislike him/his actions becasue of that

    kat was also good friends with darnell and thought a lot of him. yet all he has done is slag her off behind her back- if he has mental health problems then he shouldn't be in the house, and being screwed up in the head is mental health problems  

  14. I've been screaming at the telly for him to calm down a bit. He could have been a winner, but he's got no chance now.

    It bugs me that Rex seems to get away with it though, when he's been picking on folk since week 2 !!


  15. I think hes just paniking a bit as the end of BB9 is coming and he is terrified of what people on the outside will think of him - he assumes that because Sara is a flirt the outside wont like her, so being horrible to her is going to get him brownie points.

    I think the day he started being aggressive and nasty towards the other housemates he threw away his chance of winning. Shame

  16. i wrote a massive answer to another similar question so i am just going to cut and paste my answer as it is exactly the same for this Q!!!

    i don't particularly like darnells behaviour at the moment but i do understand it. sara has been flirting with him something rotten and then as soon as he made a move (even if it was a terrible move)!! with the whole arrowgate thing she jumped up and in front of everyone shouts "i can't believe you would say that" darnell is all about his street cred and now he feels highly embarassed and does not know whether he is coming or going. so he did what he has done right from the start. he rejected her before she rejected him. its his way of trying to save his street cred and protect his feelings. it may be a paranoid and immature way of dealing with things and that is something he will have to address when he gets out but we cannot gloss over sara's part in all this. in his eyes she humiliated him on national tv. the thing is he knows he has done wrong yet she acts all sweet and innocent when she should accept some responsibility for the breakdown in their relationship.!!

    thanks for the lend of your soapbox mrsg!!!!!

    7 hours ago - Edit - Delete


    also what people have missed is the fact that her emotions were running high after the letter from her sister. in the exact same way that picture gate had sweet FA to do with a picture, there were other issues here too

  17. Well he ain't getting a hug from me.

    I can no longer feel sympathy for him because all he wants to do is continually wallow in self pity and blame his behaviour on other people. There is only so much self pity you take from a someone who don't want to help themselves.

    From what I saw last night I think he is a bad guy with a vicious mouth.  

  18. i think darnell acts like a child, and needs to think about his actions. you cant just make excuses for hurting other people and expect all to be forgotten numerous times.

  19. What the fcuking h**l has the knuckle dragging gimp done now?

    Might have to start watching again.

    Don't get as many TD elsewhere, it's getting boring ;-)

  20. he wants a hug alright........from a feckin grizzly bear??????????

  21. i got better people to hug

  22. he is not a kid he is bad mannered  as no respect for other people in the house it is all ways poor me he uses is identity like a badge grow up boy we all have problems but we just get on with it

  23. I give up defending the guy..........peeps on here are so fecking fickle, as frigging per, it is like fighting a losing battle, they see it all through tunnel vision and say it is fact!

    The guy has problems with his albinism and just wants wants TLC and NOT some Aussie slapper teasing him!

    I hope she goes on friday, then we can have the old Darnell back, the one we had before this d**k sucker played games with him!

    I so wanna slap her..............with the soapbox I am standing on!

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