
BBUK: The favourites to win...?

by Guest64011  |  earlier

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How exactly is Mikey and Darnell the top two favourites to win. Mikey is, to use his own phrase, "a miserable b*stard" and is the biggest b*tch in the house. And Darnell is one of the least entertaining housemates ever I think, and quite annoying.

What do you think?

I would hate if either of these two win - I would much rather see Rachel, Sara or Lisa win. Even Rex - at least there's something happening when he's in there




  1. What's wrong with Darnelle? He's so cute!

    I want him to win! :)

  2. I agree

    I would love Rachel to win

    She is genuine , thoughtful and never has a bad word to say about anyone


  3. Darnell is OK but Mikey should get no where near the winning post.

  4. mickey i thank but omg why have all the good ones gone?

    atleast luke and bex are going back in for a day:D

  5. I think in the beginning they were the ultimate favorites to win ( and so was Kat) And of course after picture-gate we all started to love darnell. But after that they have slipped in my mind. They aren't as involved and they have both become very bitchy. We all wanted to like mikey because he was blind and darnell because he was an albino but it didn't quite turn out that way.I would also like to see someone like Rachel ( not sara) or possibly lisa or rex ( he's kinda funny) to win

  6. I know! I can't believe it myself. Darnell will win for sure - God knows why. Jesus Christ i am so sick of his insecure remarks. It's boring and completely unattractive so if he hoped that he could get a girl, he's going about it the completely wrong way!

    Don't get me started on Mikey!

    I completely agree with you. I'd rather any of them to win. Even Rex, i mean he's entertained us at least. If Mikey and Darnell win, i'll seriously reconsider watching the next one (maybe :P).

  7. i dont know how mikey favourite to win i dont like him at all

    Kat to win  

  8. I like them both!

    Mikey to come 1st

    Darnell to come 2nd

    Lisa to come 3rd

    Rex to come 4th

    Kat to come 5th

    Rachel to come 6th

  9. I think people like them (or want them to win) because they seem them as being the most genuine or "real" people in the house.  Not that I agree with that .. I think that's just the reason.  Plus, they are minorities and "disadvantaged" in society, so maybe they feel sorry for them, although I don't think that's a good reason either.

    My favorites to win are Rachel and Lisa.  I like Stu too, but .. well, he's out now.  :-(

  10. Why can they not just evict the lot of them then blow up the house and no more big brother its a waste of air time

  11. wow - i think both you and ADZE need to try and look for the good in people!  

  12. Rex is the biggest t**d in the pile of shite.

    Nicole is the biggest hay stack head in the house.

    Mo is just the biggest lump of lard.

    Lisa is the biggest Bird and scary with it

    Kat is just an excuse for a beach ball.

    Rachel is yet to appear in the show

    Sara,foghorn Lil, is a greaser.

    Darnell needs a psychiatrist quick.

    Mikey,is just being Mikey,a gross slob,

    grumpy,snotty,crazy,who deserves the

    to win the hundred grand for being

    the biggest snot gobbler ever.

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