
BBUK9....Anyone else think that BB's Plan of putting NICOLE in...has backfired....???

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I personally think...they put her in there to confront Rex....

Over his...ahem...infidelities....

WOW...What a booster that would have made for ratings....

But werent to be.....




  1. So far it has.... I still think she may say something...especially before she leaves this week...

    I bet BB are hoping she's up...surely she can't leave the house without saying something..

    dR bad

    what will she have to lose once Davina calls her name out??

    even she can work that one out...  

  2. Oh yeah majorly, they probably didn't expect her to be such a b*tch to the others, i hope she goes soon!!

  3. Every time I see them two together I get the urge to turn the channel over. Their childish arguments are getting so tedious.

  4. they've S**t in their own nest this time

  5. Cant ansewer you, cause I didnt see it cause I've a life

  6. I think everybody they put in there ,back fired on them ,And Rex and Nicole big time ,Who ever is producing BB needs to go  

  7. I guess it was a lot to expect from a 19 year old girl, She's forgive him anything anyway.

  8. i think they did i think bb thought that she would confront rex over the allegations and they would be a big row but then why have they told her not to say anything about the outside world because she has tried to hint at it but she cant actually say it.

    what i think bb should do is give rex and nicole a task in which she can only say some of the rumours she has heard about rex so it can give her a chance to confront him and him to answer that would be soo good thats the only way in my opinion.

  9. Not one of their best ideas was it?

    There was no way this bimbo was going to confront him about his infidelities and risk five minutes of fame!

    Dignity and self respect she does NOT have, that's for sure!

  10. I think it did

    They thought she was just another stereotypical blonde, ditzy, goldigging, big mouthed blonde

    Turns out BB was wrong

    She's just a blonde, ditzy, goldigging, secretive blonde

    Wish they did confront each other, I hop he goes power crazy and she can't handle it and just shouts it right in his face

    Maybe if she's up for nomination (and she SHOULD be) she will get so annoyed that she won't care cause she knows she will leave she will just tell them

    If madjamfree is that desperate for two points that she is in the RTV section when she doesn't watch BB, then obviously she needs a life herself

  11. Yes course it has ! She is a complete idiot! She has upset so many people....and its about time she is kick out !!

    I do not understand for a second why she agreed to go on the show. She does not want to be there and constantly moans!!

    I dont think Rex is the nicest guy in the world but how can people say he is nasty to her. She is so nasty to him and I cant actually see anything nice about her.

    She is constantly moaning. Crying over the fact she didnt have her suitcase. She is so materialistic and I think she is one of the most horrible people I have ever laid my eyes on.

    Whilst she didnt have her suitcase Sara and Lisa gave her their clothes, make up, toiletries...anything she needed and she wouldnt even give Sara one cigerette. Its absolutely unbelievable.

    She is shocking and I cant believe Rex is even slightly interested in her. She got in a strop the other night over nothing, then told Rex to leave her alone which he did after a few attempts. He then slept in the other bedroom without Nicole and the next morning she was moaning saying 'I cant believe you just left me in here crying and upset all on my own'. WASNT THAT WHAT SHE ASKED HIM TO DO???

    All round she is a complete bit*h to every housemate including Rex and I cant stand her !

    I cant wait to see her out the house. What a horrible human being!!

  12. Yes BIG TIME!!  And that is why they have fixed it for him to be HOH this week.......!

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