
BBUK9: Did BB purposely upset NICOLE in the DR last night...????

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... to make the show more interesting...? REX said .. she went in happy ..and came out crying....

or are BB and Nicole just trying to play the sympathy card with viewers that we don't evict her this week...


if she's up that is...




  1. Rex did have a sly little smile on his face when he said it and he's guilty by association is he not!

  2. I think BB are going down the Sympathy Card Route Doc.......It's beginning to dawn on them they may be left with a lot of egg on their faces after bringing her in !!

  3. It is all one BIG fix-up....And not a very interesting one at that.

    I can't for the life of me imagine why she is even in there. BB was clutching at straws with this twist.

    She was pretending to be upset to try to stay in and possibly steal the prize money....She wants it and so does Rex.  

  4. No they didn't - "How are you toay, Nicole ?" is all they asked her.

    It's called PMT Doc - give her a banana

  5. didn't BB just ask her if she is ok??? ah poor nicole lol... surely big brothers wrath if she said something wouldn't be as bad as the h**l she is going through now by not saying anything... i think BB is secretley hoping she does say something as its getting pretty boring

    come on nicole have it out with the little S**t

  6. I hateboth Rex and Nicole.. She thinks shes it.. Rex thinks shes the best too.. Made me laugh when Lisa and Luke casted her out of the lineup for being common looking and not as pretty!! haha..

    Nah BB didnt do it on purpose. She is just paranoid about stories she has heard about rex outside the house...

  7. she went in there just as rachel does when she expresses herself. when talking bout anything she gets emotional and begins crying. just like the suitcase issue. she said, i just don't feel like i can be myself, then she turned on the waterworks and said its just that i'm really high maintenance. so how can it be all of a sudden that bb made her cry??

    seriously, she has been crying from the first week, what difference does it make that she went in happy and came out crying? like Rex, nothing can please people like that. nothing is ever enough. everytime she gets upset, she starts crying and that would be all the time. BB is just doing what they do to all housemates, ask questions..its like get over it nicole.

  8. The dozy mare is a tap waiting to be turned on, so many pointless boo hoos.

    She stays with the ginger t**t for his money, so the gold-digging tramp deserves all she gets.

  9. I don't think BB did anything, it was just a normal chat. Nicole really needs to grow up cos she's gonna be hated when she gets out if she carries on behaving like this.

  10. her and rex are twats, they both need to be evicted, BB fiddled the task to keep him in.

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