
BBUK9...LOL...How SMUG did the BB voice in the Diary Room sound...????

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When MO failed the eating Task....

It cracked me up....




  1. Yep loved the quip....You're Eyes Are Bigger Than Your Belly Kimmy.  Must be a first for Mo not to finish any food........Maybe if it had been Bogey flavoured he may of !!

  2. I thought exactly the same thing K!!  It was soooo funny as they knew it was impossible for him to eat all that in the first place.  I bet they p*ssed themselves laughing when he said he felt sick!

  3. He should have eaten the meat first and as he had as long as he wanted, taken a run(around the diary room??) had a kip and then finished off the rest!

    Us Wardrobes are smart!

  4. Yeah I know

    I completely hate Mo, whenever he was crawling out of the diary room I was just like feck off would you, you basically ate that on the housemates one day on a bsic budget and now you can do it you feel sick. How bad can you get

  5. I thought it was bloody funny, obviously that was a challenge that I could have easily done!  lol

  6. LOL, it was justified!! Can't stand him. And so want Darnell and Rex to be kicked out!!!

  7. That was sooo  

    I couldn't stop laughing when Mo crawled

    Mo did well though considering how much food there was....

  8. Yes but don't you think it's odd that with all the stuff in the press at the moment about the credit crunch and people not being able to afford food, plus all the stuff about children becoming obese, that Big Brother seems to be encouring all this over eating this year and wasting food.

  9. that was so funny 'big brother thinks you're eyes were bigger than you belly' ha ha and his face afterwards he should've just taken his time and ate it all im surprised he didnt finish it

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