
BBUK9....Ok...Im being honest here...anyone else BORED with BB...????

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Ive watched it from Day1..(in my best BB voice)....and it was OK...

But now....its got anyone else brave enough to agree with

Roll on SCD....Yawn Yawn.....




  1. I agree with you. Enough is enough.    

  2. I got fed up after 2 days. Dull as dishwater this series. I am normally a big fan too.

    Stick Nadia back in, she was the best winner ever!!

  3. Getting boring now!

    It got boring about 6 series ago, it's a terrible show which has no imagination and i would go nuts if i was forced to sit there and watch it!

  4. Not me - I'm loving it !

  5. Yeh, I`m bored with it too, especially when they are all asleep!

  6. once nicole went in stopped watching and just read the news on digital spy to see if anything happening ,very boring this year no interesting real people just wanna Be's

  7. Yes i totally agree with you. But yet again i stopped watching it the second week because their all gorm's.  

  8. Yes I am I have got to get up early tomorrow and I was just thinking if it was worth watching it tonight or shall i have early night when it first started I would not have thought twice about watching it

  9. BB1 was brilliant, but every year its got worse!  This year the people are particularly conscious of how the outside world perceives them, which is possibly making it worse, plus the fact that they don't actually like each other - its so much more fun to watch when the people in the house have fun!

  10. I hate to say it but yes I am :(

    At the start, it WAS reality TV. The people they sent in there were people you could relate know? People who work in tescos and greggs!

    Now we've got an albino, a thai and a blind man. I have no problem with them apart from kat (I'll leave it at that or else I'll go on forever about her). But seriously, how is that reality? I've never come face to face with an albino. I've never met a human who's obsessed with cookies. It's not reality at all!! I agree they should have a chance of getting in BB but it's as if BB are trying to make some sort of statement. Like they're trying to be controversial by purposely picking out people who don't reflect REAL people.

    Ahhhgghh rant over. We've already been reeled in Kimmy. We're in the BB cycle now. We've got to see it through to the very end!


  11. I am now to be honest and they have put rubbish high light shows on as of late soooooooooooooo boring.

    Mario well what a let down that was posser and wtf did he mean when he said on BBLB "A shroud has no pockets" creepy man?

  12. FECK ME...the so called chairman of the "BORED" is even counting the number of days ,he must be feckin BORED????????? that is before his alter-ego pops up and starts ranting again????????

    till then i agree with RIGGS,you all slated him,and now bare faced admitting it,he voiced his opinion,which this sites about,you all took offence and tore strips off him,now of all the cheek,youre saying youre bored and the rest of the diciples are well in tow??????? WTF?????

    come on,lets look at the bigger picture here,i think he deserves an apology??????????

    well lets face it....he was right,just he predicted how boring it was long before it took you lot to realise it?????????

  13. yeah i agree aswell, its watchable but it used to be better.

    i just want to see rex get evicted and booed .

  14. It's Shite and I'm a BB fan, it's depressingly the same every day, that monotone drone of Rex, Mikey whining on about whatever, Mo just being annoying, Sara needs repatriating, Lisa wtf and Kat + Rach??????

    My god it's dull!

  15. i  will  watch it  till the  end  kimms  but i'm afraid this  year  theres  been  too  many twists    and not  good  ones  at  that . HOH  was  good  for  a time  , but as always  the good  ones   go way too early apart from  Rex   ,Mo  and  Darnell  the  others  are a waste  of space , i reckon they  should give them  slops  for  the  duration  give   them  something  to moan  about  and keep us entertained  

  16. it was good and then it went down hill after a couple of weeks.

    apparantly they've boosted the budject for the final week to make it more interesting!

  17. Well I certainly agree with roll on SCD ... my fave prog, yayyyyyy.

    I suppose I am getting a bit fed up with BB a bit, not because I don't like the show or I think it's boring, its just that the show is far too long now ..... did we really need 21 housemates!!! Just make the tasks more interesting.

  18. I think this one has been a bit of a letdown Kimmy........I've watched avidly since BB1 but this years has just failed to capture me in the same way.  Normally by now I have a firm fave who I want to win but this year I'm not really bothered.  However I will still be sticking with it to the end !

  19. For something that started so promising, it has turned out to be one of the worst ones ever given that BB itself has introduced new formats!

    if they do another one then the change has to be in the selectors........coz they sure ain't getting it right!

  20. ithink it does get to that stage when the numbers go down. but i'm still sticking with it.

  21. I've not really warmed to any of the housemates (although Darnells my favourite ) the only thing keeping me going is the thought that one of the housemates is finally going to grow a pair & tell Rex what a complete & utter tw@t he is !!

  22. Yes, none of the housemates are ones that you are really interested in, the sooner it finishes the better. I won't miss it

  23. I have never watched any of them, never appealed to me, so no i,m not bored with it.

  24. HAL LE..feckin.. LUJAH,and AMEN for that????????

    brave enough?????????

    ive feckin said it from day one,and been ripped to shreds over it,if your bored don't watch it,they say,or f**k off RIGGS. and now,there feckin agreeing with you,FECKIN HYPOCRITES spring to mind if you ask me???? sorry you did ask didn't you.lmfao

    hows it hangin korma.

  25. Yeah, It has lost most of it's sparkle for me but I will see it through.

  26. yea im mega bored with it as well i usually yawn a lot or nap through bb now :P

    at least its finishing soon :P

    darnell to win!

  27. well here goes..  in my best BB voice...

    ''Day 82 and as the most interesting characters have as usual been voted out,.... BB is as boring as f**k''!!!!

    dR bad

    Chairman of the BORED

  28. O M G you will go straight to h**l, you blasphemer!

  29. Its hard to pick a winner out of a bad bunch, Somebody summed it up ,when they said they dident pick real people ,I have got that I dont like anybody in there except Sara ,and even the spin off shows are predudice and rubbish ,They dident even pick the right presenters for those ,Even Davina cant seem to wear a decent dress for eviction night  Yawn  

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