
BBUK9 : What is wrong with Darnell's eyes?

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He never looks anyone in the eye, sure sign of a liar, and always appears to be trying to look at something on the end of his nose. Also, why does he walk like he is an extra on Planet of the Apes? Why does he talk so much c**p? He loves all the attention from Sara the tree frog, but then when she's not around he says how he doesn't trust her and would never have her as a girlfriend. Yeah right, if she gave him the green light he would ride her like the cheap bike she is. Get a grip milky boy, you are an ugly t**t, accept it.




  1. lol omg this was a bit harsh. Darnell has albinism therefore his eyesight is not the best and he always squints to see things, im sure he said once he was supposed to wear glasses but he doesnt like wearing them. I think he is genuinley a nice guy and not the "typical" guy who is out for @ss

  2. Nasty, judgemental question

  3. It's to do with his Abinoism, they tend to have poor eyesight and their eyes are also sensitive to light. I agree about the planet of the apes extra! Most of the time I can't understand a word he's saying.

  4. angry today are we, he is an ugly mo-fo but i think his condition effects his eyes as well. sara would not be much of a catch but she would be top dollar for him. try some herbal tea or something.

  5. i grew up with one of my best friends who is an albino. she has the same  eyesight problem where she is partially sighted. just like a person being born blind, they didn't ask for it. they squint to see everything and cannot  focus their eyes to one place. she walks with a hunch and can not help it. their eyes are constantly moving from left to right. she has the same skin colour and hair colour he has and is the nicest person i have ever met. your arrogance shows me that there are still a lot of people who stoop low enough to actually diss a disabled person. i hope you aint got kids already coz its people like you who need to understand the hard way.

  6. Ooooo, that's a bit nasty, he was born like that. He has bad eyesight as do all albino's. No wonder he doesnt trust sarah, she keeps going hot and cold with him, he must be confused.

  7. FECKIN well said,this neanderthall throwback should have been drown at birth???????? this knuckle dragger insults the tv licencing fee,ive said it once ill say it again,give this genetic throwback a loin cloth and a big club,and hey presto,captain caveman for the retarded??????

  8. Aimeeeeeeeeeee Chilllllllllllllllllllllll!

    1. to the eye thing, albino people's eyes are sensitive to light, but knowing Darnell it could be a lying thing

    2. He doesn't look like he is in planet of the apes, he walks like he just sh*t himself

    3. He talks so much c**p because he was brought up in America on the streets

    4. Well about Sara, it's because he's desperate, insecure, and a game player and he doesn't want people to think that he likes her because of what happened with Bex and Luke, they were evicted, if he liked Sara then that would mean he would be not liked and considered a game player even though we know he is!

    But I like Sara though.....

  9. SHEEEEEZZZ..Wow welcome back!!! Aimee

    yeah ,.. why not get right back on the saddle of trouble ... ABout the looking in the eye... that maybe a confidence thing .. low self esteem..

    dR bad

    ...well thats you told by

  10. He can't see them!  His eye sight is really bad, he's registered as disabled, its because of his albinism!

    And Sara is a gorgeous woman who'll flirt with anyone, he isn't the only guy in there who wouldn't say no to her!

  11. perfect are you!!! so shiny, bright and perfect????...your character assasination of this guy disgusts me. not only are your comments racist but are shallow and very immature...but to answer your question and not the bile that you have written underneath darnell in this country is offically registered partially blind, in the states he was registered totally blind.....see what happens when someone is born with an affliction that they have to live with daily.....hang your head in shame....bigot!!!!!

  12. He has sight problems, he is Albino which affects his vision

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