
BBUK9: Will MARIO's proposal help LISA ...????

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike stay in the house longer ...???

...due to all the BB romance fans filling up, feeling all fluffy... and forgetting what an absolute 2-faced ***** she is...??

...I'm dreading the thought of watching that idiot Davina going on about buying her hat for the wedding... on wednesday,,,sheeeeeeeez...

I think this proposal was planned before they went in.... and they have been BB faves from the start




  1. im not too fussed with lisa, couldnt be bothered if she stayed or goes.

    i do think too that this was planned a long time ago that he would propose, its all a bit too fake.  

  2. The bad thing is, if Lisa wins then Mario wins also.  I don't want that scum bucket to win.

  3. As long as it doesn't help her to win.....I don't care.

  4. I wish this hadn't have happened when she was in the house.

    I mean, Mario/Sean had his chance to propose before going on the show. The whole thing is for him to remain in the limelight after he was booted off the show.

    I think this has ruined her chance to win.

    I wanted her to win from the start :(

    Stupid Mario V_V

  5. the thing is _bAD, women aren't hating Lisa at the this stage that almost guarantees her a place in the final...

    as for the proposal being pre-planned...probably...who knows?

  6. Not knowing how Wednesdays task/eviction surprise is going to work its hard to say but i think if housemates have to vote, if Lisa starts talking about Mario a lot more maybe the girls will vote her so that they can be together sooner.

  7. I don't think it will make a lot of difference - all the remaining 8 are like Marmite  - love them or hate them .

  8. yeah i think  she'll be  in the final    Doc  the  B public  love a  bb  romance  even if its a fake  one    

  9. I dont do fluffy...

    Well...not anymore....

    Learnt my lesson....BIG TIME.....

  10. I wouldn't put anything past those two, in fact I bet Mario has lined up Cilla Black to appear as an ever changing special prize!

  11. yes but it will be fun :D

  12. It may have the adverse effect -'she 's got what she wants so get her out'

    Cast your mind back to Mario's eviction-----Davina asked him if they were going to get married and he made a remark about 'not having any divorce papers' mmmmmmmmm

  13. they will do absolutely ANYTHING for publicity as Sean sorry Mario said that everyone was invited to the wedding and the magazines will only pay if well known people turn up to the wedding so expect all the BB housemates especially dumb and dumber sorry Luke and Bex and the other 'real' couple shark teeth and Dale

  14. Have you seen Lisa's make up this morning ?

    her eye brows have gone and replaced by

    train tracks,it also seems some one has smacked

    her in the eyes and given her two shiners plus her

    lips look enormous.

    Getting engaged has sent her over the edge.

    The Zombie has arrived.

    Yellow top,blue knee socks,minni brown

    shorts,black dyed hair,plus silver boots Crazy.

  15. No, I never thought she was two faced and I liked her before that proposal. It was bad though wasn't it. Hope when I am proposed to when I'm older it's better than that (won't be too hard)!

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