
BBUK9...Would you want MARIO back in...for the Final Week...????

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Looks like viewing figures are low.....

BB NEED to do something....




  1. Why not it can't get any worse.

  2. No.

  3. I say YES!

    Imagine the other housemates faces, oooohh imagine how he would treat Nicole!

  4. NO

    wth are they putting him back in??

  5. Yes!  And pretend-eligible to win (to the housemates)!!  That would really annoy Rex ;)

  6. Absolutely NO WAY!!!  Even though Rex makes him look like a saint!

  7. No Lisa is better in the house without him!

  8. No ,he already did Steph out of her time in the house ,Although that wasent his fault ,She should get her chance ,what is BB problem ,why dident they let her have her chance .Certainly wouldnt do them any good putting that arogant twit in ,Although I dident go a lot on Bex and Luke ,I would rather they went in to liven it up ,I know they have a lot of fans on here  

  9. yea man! i loved mario - wanted him to win. he was just so funny without knowing it with all the health and safety stuff. yea, he was a bit of a ***** but he was grrrrreat! :)

  10. Channel 4 ought to know by now that putting ex-housemates back in the house doesn't do any good. Lisa is handling it all very well on her own - in fact I think she has a good chance of winning. Why would they want to put Mario in anyway?

    They just ought to let the train crash happen all on its own. They had a good selection this year - although I think they ought to ban the nasty ones like Alexandra etc. They don't do themselves or the programme any good at all.  You'd think they'd learn from past problems wouldn't you? It can't do the ratings any good either.

  11. No. Deluded eejit that he was. Nor would I want any old housemates returning.

    I've read that Luke and Bex are going to return for a day. I bloody hope that's not true either.

  12. How about Alex, just have her in the store cupboard for when they collect the shopping!LOL!

    Minus her menz that is!

  13. Noooooo, please noooooo, couldn't wait to get him out, please don't put him back in!!


  14. it would liven things up even more, yes yes yes,  

  15. Yep...I wouldn't mind him coming back in Kimmy and him and Mrs.Shrek (Lisa) revealing that She is really a He !!

  16. Might be good idea  I dont like him but it would add bit of interest

  17. Link isn't working :S

  18. God NO WAY! ...and if he cares for Lisa at all he will stay away and let her have a chance at winning BB.  

  19. Yeah! I always liked Mario, he had some personality..

    Is it the Final Week already? Omg!


  20. There has been no one going back in yet and no double eviction yet. Something has to happen soon...

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