
BCP Withdrawl or Pregnant?

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I went off BCP a month ago. We are TTC so were active the week that I ovulated.

On 8 dpo, I had what I think was implantation cramping and a tiny bit of spotting. I have had light cramps since then and totally feel pregnant.

I have taken 3-4 tests (including today, 15 dpo) that have all been BFN. Could these all be symptoms of BCP withdrawl or is it possible I am pregnant?




  1. Its probably still to early to tell..sometimes you get false negatives when you test to early..especially after only 8 dpo. If you feel pregnant that is a good indication that you are ...

    I wish you the best take the test a day after youre period and that result will let you know for sure if you are!!

  2. What do all your abbrevs mean? I can't understand what you are saying.

  3. when i 1st stopped my bc, my cycle was all over the place and started my period nearly 2 weeks late, pretty much like you with cramps and spotting nausea sore breast ect, it took me 7 months to get my cycle back on track, but also you could be pregnant with the same symptoms, i would test again in a few days if still negative, go and see your doctor and maybe get a blood test done  

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