
BD 8 days on trot during fertile time, what if I'm not preg?!?

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AF is due on 28th. This month hubby and I have been on holiday and bd throughout fertile window. If it doesn't happen, what reason could there be for not getting pregnant this month? I'm thinking of using an ovulation kit next month if unsuccessful. (TTC for 5 months, covering all days this month only).




  1. there is a saying,trying too hard and i think you may fit that.ideally you should bd every 48hrs so that your hubbies sperm count has time to get high again.

    yes opk's are brill,along with temp charting.go to .

    it keeps a record of important signs,days you bd,temps and tells you which days you are most fertile etc.

  2. Well trying every day can be just as hopeless as not trying at all because your partners supply will be depleted and he is not given enough time in order to get more ready.  I would advise that in future when you are trying you try every other day rather than every day.  By using an oulation kit you would be ensuring that ou try on your most fertile days, so if you are not lucky this month use that next month and make sure that you are having s*x every 3 days for your whole cycle and then try on your fertile days when the opk finds them.

    Good Luck on getting that BFP.

    Oh and use the clearblue digital ones they are ace and I only used them for 1 month and got pregnant!!!!

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