
BD on ovulation day...boy?

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Has anyone gotten pregnant by BDing on their ovulation date and had a girl? According to Shettles this would result in having a boy with 80% accuracy. Looking for real answers, not just the people from his book. I am actually trying for a girl but wonder how close to the cut off of 4-5 days I can get with still having a girl.




  1. I know one of my friends followed the advice from the book and she got twin girls. I talked to my obgyn about that book and he said that Shettles was his professor in college but was kicked out of the college for writing that book. He said dont waste your money on the book and that he didnt think it had any real base to it. I still did though because i really want a girl. My obgyn said you have a 50/50 chance either way. Good luck to you though : )

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