
BE HONEST! Do you really believe in your heart that men and women are and should be equal?

by  |  earlier

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See... I don't... I hope I don't get fed to the lions here, but I don't think we are equal. I am NOT trying to infuriate anyone or make anyone angry or cry, but I think women are ....well... better.

Not ALL women are better and not ALL men are bad. But, let's face it.... Women can give life, THEN feed it. We are like... a world upon ourselves. True you need sperm, but the guy doesn't need to be particularly special for that... just breathing and fertile. For women, it takes a special time to get pregrant, certain body temp...all kinds of special to make it happen.

We also know that females (this is scientifically proven) tend to communicate faster (speaking and learning how to talk) than males. The cognitive process is quicker for females.

PLEASE, Like I said... I am not here asking this to p**s anyone off or make anyone cry! I am stating a question and looking for opinions. You can be graphic, but NO name calling...thanks!




  1. Equality isn't about some being better or stronger. Equality is about people being treated with teh same respect, and absiding by the same rules. No two PEOPLE are completely equal, some will be better looking, stronger, more intelligent etc.

    True equalilty is about a bin man being treated the same as a surgeon. Equal respect and rights.

  2. Yes. I don't give two craps about how fabulous my uterus is, because I have no intention of using it. And why should communication skills make someone inherently better than someone else?

  3. Yes women and men are equal

    different but definitely equal

    The same goes for black people and white people, kids and adults, poor and rich etc...etc....etc....

  4. Women can't have babies without the aid of men.  And raising a child on your own is no fun at all. Both males and females are equally essential to the survival of the species.

    I think it is simply idiotic to say that women are better than men.  So what if they communicate faster.  Is there any particular advantage to being a faster communicator?  You might equally argue that men are physically stronger and faster than women, and that that makes them 'better' than women.

  5. All humans, men, women, blacks, whites, asians, straights g**s, etc. are of equal worth but that doesn't mean we are exactly the same nor is one gender or race inherently better than another.

    We each have our strengths and weaknesses that we bring to the table. We compliment each other and balance each other out. One s*x without the other is pointless and to put the "worth" of one person ahead of another is just ridiculous.

  6. I agree with Open Minded Unitarian.

  7. Yes, men and women should be equal IN THE EYES OF THE LAW. That's the only equality anyone has ever talked about. Equality of physical or mental assets is moot because the law cannot make us equal; it can only give us equal opportunity which it has failed to do with men in reproductive and family law.

  8. I don't like the use of the word "equal" because to me it implies "exactly the same", and I am exactly the same as no one. To say that you think that women are better than men shows that you need to be introduced to some more intelligent men. There are great people of BOTH genders - gender alone does NOT make the difference. There are some women you would not want to live next door to - that is why there are women's prisons.

    As to "scientifically proven" that women learn to talk sooner than males, that proves only one thing: that they learn to talk sooner than males. But if they didn't catch up we wouldn't have the likes of Kurt Vonnegut, Ernest Hemmingway, etc., so that argument is kind of pointless.

    I prefer to say that we are of "equivalent potential value", but it is what we do that makes us great or not - not just which chromosomes and reproductive apparatus we received.

  9. Um... wow. And just earlier here you were talking about how bad of leaders women make. In all my honest to good heart I know for a d**n fact that God made us different but equal. In case you never noticed that, it's time you begin noticing that males and females on average tend to be good at different stuff and similar stuff depending on your you. We need each other.

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