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ok so this isn't just me getting teased, Ive ben getting teased for the SAME THING for almost a year and a half now and THEY HAVEN'T STOPPED... its unbeareable, they don't stop no matter what I do, I try to ignore them, I got mad at them, i tried smiling along with them, it WONT WORK!!!!!! i wasnt even here over the summer and one of my friends tells me they STILL made fun of me even when I wasnt here!!!! its like they have NOTHING to talk about!! everyone Iv talked to says that I should ignore them, but Iv tried ignoring them for almost 3 months, and nothing happened! I think they just do it because OTHER people laugh, my reaction doesnt matter... its the only thing that makes sense. god god god schools starting next week again and im worried its gonna happen all over again....




  1. Do what a friend of mine did. Tell your guidance counselor to keep an eye out for them teasing you. If he/she sees it, ask them to do something about it, silently. That means there's no name dropping and no one knows that its you who told on them. Also, try to encourage people to stop laughing.  

  2. did u try telling them to stop?if so stay away from them for a long time make new friends to hang out with

  3. ***** EMMMM!

    you need to live to learn with whatever your insecurity is.

    kids are mean and they always will be.. keep a good attitude and try your best not to let it get to you :))

    & it always helps to have a friend to talk to.

  4. ask them to stop. if they don't then its ok. they will eventually tire of it, either that or the people hearing about it will. the important thing is not just to act like its really not important, you don't care, and its getting really old just around them, you need to show it to everyone around you.  

  5. What exactly are your classmates teasing you about?

  6. While they are teasing you tell them that you feel sorry for them because they are unable to let go of the past, that they have nothing better to do then make fun of you, and later in life they will be unable to contribute anything to society because of their inability to show compassion for other people and move forward with their lives, and for that you truly feel sorry for them, then simply walk away, don't wait for a response, don't look back, and if they do respond keep walking

  7. dude I've gone through the same thing you have, trust me...

    One good thing to do is always prepare a good comeback, you should always have one ready, im pretty snappy and creative with my words so a good come back will hurt'em back, then they'll make sure that they don't embarrass themselves trying to embarrass you.

    But that's not what stopped everything, what i did is made an even more powerful impression than the one their teasing me with, so they'd all forget about what they teased you with and all focus on what you have to show them now that's ten times more interesting. example...if they teased you for being like, a wimp, then you have to make another impression, go goth or something or maybe get into a contest and win, or start running for student council, people will focus on your new bigger thing, rather than focusing on teasing you as a wimp, trust me it works. at least for me. :)) i hope you understood me, there really isn't any other way to say it. they used to tease me, so i went emo/goth, they are scared of me now and think im really serious and tough :))

    hope i helped.

  8. what the h**l can you do to be teased for a year and a half about?!?!?

  9. What are you being teased about?

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