
(BEST 10 PTS!!) Insults against McDonalds??

by  |  earlier

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Anything mean about food, people that go there, ANYTHING!!




  1. The are the McWorst

  2. They mess up orders all the time

  3. I took my dog through the drive through one time as a treat.

    I had been out riding around with him and he hadn't eaten in a while and we were a couple of hours from home.

    I ordered a plain cheeseburger for him and when we pulled up to the window, the dog got excited when the girl handed the burger out.

    She said, "He acts like this is for him!"

    I said, "It is, you don't really think that I would eat here, do you?"

    By the way, we called it McDogfood in Texas, not McDonald's.

    Also, the rip off charities they sponsor don't cover any of the health problems their food causes to the children they poison each day.

  4. the ppl are poor fat and ugly and have cancer from their horrible food. ppl that eat thier obviously are poor cuz the food is cheap and tastes like c**p. the service is HORRIBLE!!! it takes them like 30 minutes 2 cook the frikin food. and once my friends friens were still frozon (hint, hint on the c**p thing) and thet just plain suck

  5. Well it is making America over weight and it takes them forever to take your order and well they dont smile where we are. well at least were snd when i go. Hoope this helps

  6. Here's what my son said when he was learning to read and looked at their sign:

    "Billions survived."

  7. My Art Teacher calls hickies a McDonalds tatoo lol. I love it...its perfect!

    Besides i think Ronald McDonald, the clown looks like a child molester. He always smiles at them and not just any smile its a weird creepy smile lol.

    I always say..whenever the Cashier is a bit ch or rude or stupid or whatever and i get a fillet-o-fish i say this sandwich smells just like the cashier! which is totally wrong but i say stuff like that when im mad about something.

    Thats not the best but im voting this question as interesting..this is a funny question and i look forward to seeing everyones answers.

  8. first of all a guy had an allergic reaction to the cheese

    lots of notices by rats in burgers

    workers always do the wrong order

    all there food is alot of calories Mc Flury= about 700 calories

  9. Why?  Did they make your food wrong, and your mommy couldn't drive you back to get it fixed?  McDonalds does more with charities and homeless people than any other business in this world.  Stop hating because they ticked you off, and grow up.  You don't think that out of hundred of people each day in 1 restaurant, that they can't mess up an order?  You mess up everyday of your life, and no one complains to you...I'll give 10 pts to someone that complains about you.

  10. You could say the fat people keep mcdonalds in business. (no offense to any obease people, i have nothing against you)

  11. My friends and I call it mcshitls cause it gives you the shitls. lol

    we always ask for the mcbiscuts and gravy. And finaly when you order a big n tasty on the recipe it looks like big n nasty.

  12. mceedee's got the biggest fat around. have a fat attack.

    so greasy you can skate in on your feet. its sickapades.

  13. Everything at Mcdonalds is fake, You might as well go there and order Barbie or something.

  14. let me start off by saying, yes i work at mcdonalds and yes i think it is a great company.. like every other company, mcdonalds makes mistakes.. mcdonalds made around 20 billion last year and shows no sign of slowing down. they have around 30,000+ stores and a college campus in oak brook, IL used as a training campus. i have studied the history of this company and can tell you that mcdonalds is making adjustments. we hold strict rules about food safety and the cooking of that food. i believe that as far as quality goes, mcdonalds biggest mistake was franchising.. it started from day one.. this caused some bad owners who didnt care about quality, only profit. mcdonalds has founded several organizations and donated millions of dollars to them to help improve families, health of kids and disease research. regardless of what people think now or would want to believe mcdonalds will never leave or stop growing.. we grow everyday.. we have had positive sales increases every month for the past 9+ years.. what other company can boast that? have you noticed other commercials from people like wendy's, burger king, subway, hardee's? all slamming mcdonalds.. have you ever seen mcdonalds fight back? never.. we dont have to.. our quality and commitment to community says what those commercials would.. and a quick notice to those other companies.. if mcdonalds wanted to flex its muscles and fight back competively with our own commercials bashing you, you wouldnt stand a chance.. you would lose millions in business. people want to blast mcdonalds because of films like "super size me" but in that movie, it showed a guy who has eaten thousands of big macs and was skinny.. and on that movie, while i actually watched it several times, the truth is that it is not mcdonalds responsibility to make you skinny or heathy.. that is your problem. not ours... our job isnt to make decisions for you.. our job is to make a cheap, quality burger that you choose or dont choose to eat.. orders will now and will probably always be messed up.. it happens everywhere.. at my particular store, we serve around 1200 customers a day.. if we mess up 12 orders severely, thats only 1 percent.. think you could do any better?  apply.. it pays well.. by the time i'm 35 i'll make over 100k a year..

    of the 20 billion made last year, 1/3 of that was made by people who started at the bottom, making burgers, sweeping the parking lot, saying "would you like fries with that?" and now they brought in over 7 billion.. wow.. for such a bad company, i guess they have something figured out.. still taking your money..

    memo to the world, get over it.. its your fault you're fat.....

  15. 'yo customers are so fat...'

    ~they are to lazy to drive to the resturaunt

    ~they are forced to eat at macas every day


  16. McDonalds makes food a four letter word.

  17. mcnastys

  18. *First of all , People are getting obese just because they tried the burger. And know fat people want a burger of somethin' for breakfast,lunch,and dinner!!!!

    *The McFlurry has over 700 calories!!!

    *The burgers are getting smaller and smaller

    * They are ALWAYS getting orders wrong!

    *MOST of the people that work there are somehow overweight too!

    * Everything in McDonald's is FAKE like toys!!! You might as well order a Barbie Doll rapped in McD paper!!!

    * Why does there sign say BILLIONS served????? 'Cause of them fat people!!!

    *THe large drink looks like a small drink!!!!

    *Why do they want 1.08$ and over for a burger that's not even 4 inches long????

    * People get soooo adicted they forget everything else and then when the time comes they get sooo stupid they study for a DIABETIES test!!!!

    *McDonald's should be called DIABITIES In A BUrger !!!!!!

  19. McDonald's is revolting. Last time I was there, there was a pile of vomit in the playplace that had clearly been sitting there awhile. Nobody tried to clean it up and the staff was rude. That was 13 years ago. I am never going back.

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