
BEST Pregnancy Test Kit?

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I want to buy a pregnancy test kit for checking preg. I want to know which one is best to buy? Please any suggestions.




  1. Well according to a study, they're all pretty good. I took the digital EPT test (Error Proof Test). I liked it because it gave a definite digital reading of "PREGNANT"

  2. First Response Early Result or the Clear Blue Digital.  Although, I have heard the dollar store tests are pretty accurate.  If you are going to be testing a lot, I would recommend the dollar store ones because you won't drain your bank account.  Good luck!  =)

  3. EPT is really good, or First Response

  4. Have you ever seen that commercial on tv that says "This is the most sofistacated pregnancy test you will ever pee on" I think its digital clear blue easy. I used that one when I found out I was pregnant and I wasn't suppose to get my period for another few days. I think it works awesome! You can buy 2 in a package which is good so if you get a negative result you can try it again in a couple of days. They say that you can use it up to 5 days before your missed period.

  5. All pregnancy tests today are pretty accurate but should be taken according to their directions for the accuracy. Some say you can test earlier than others.

    For detailed information visit This websie details each individual one and can help you make a decision from there. Good luck!

  6. I recommend the Clear Blue Easy Digital or the First Response Early Result.  Both of them are very accurate and detect very small amounts of hcg.  I keep a box of each in my cabinet.

  7. the ept one. i took that one and it was right....i took it twice too!

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