
BEST for snakes?

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So I'll admit that for the first month that I've had my ball python, she hasn't had a good quality home. We have an OLD heating lamp that's on it's last spark plug, an OLD [but thoroughly cleaned] fish decoration...thing used for her basking/shedding/hiding spot and a tupper-ware-ish thing for her water bowl.

NOW I get to go spree shop for her, and I want to know what the BEST products would be. One thing I'm already sold on is Astroturf [unless something better is suggested] and I've got between $100-120 to spend.

Any and ALL suggestions would be lovely and APPRECIATED!!!




  1. What I use... Mine is 2feet 6 inches long now

    he has a 20L tank. Long is better then tall cause they are able crawl... since snakes are long and not tall... it makes more sense. I have bedding rather then the carpet like thing... The astroterf? If it is like a carpet... that can lead to a Pink belly... it turns pink cause the urine in the pee the snakes waste will burn them. the Best thing is the bedding made for snakes. ask the guys at the store they will lead you to the snake aisle.

    At the petstore i would buy... the snake bedding, A new light... and a NEW plant, maybe a Stick for her to climb on. And maybe even a new bulb for her tank! at a place like walmart or something you can get her a water dish in the dog aisle. I think that should cost you about 120. Look for the deals when you are buying the stuff at the pet store.

    Good luck. She will be fine... they dont have the perfect set up in the wild. I would not freak out too bad knowing she does not have everything now.

  2. A garbage disposal .

  3. Sounds like you did the best you could, and now you get to have fun splurging on your pet.  That's always so much fun!

    I don't personally have a snake, but my nephew does, and I know Zelda (the snake) appreciates this thing that looks like half a log that she can go under to sleep.  It is shaped like an upside down U, and is about a foot long.  She gets under it and curls up and looks about as happy as a snake can look.

    Have fun!  =)

  4. If you have a glass tank, and under the tank heating pad is best, with a thermostat controller, or a ceramic heat emitter with a thermostat controller, if you don't have a glass tank, and it is acrylic or some other material. DO NOT USE A HEAT ROCK, IT CAN BURN YOUR SNAKE!!!!!!! Get two hides, one in the cool side of the tank, one on the warm side, a spray bottle to spray her cage down twice a day, a branch for her to climb, and a very large dish, big enough for a soak, and a thermometer/hydrometer combo so you can check to see if  the cage is at a good temperature and has the proper humidity level. Aspen bedding is preferred so she can bury herself if she feels like it, never, ever use cedar because it is poisonous.

  5. a heat lamp for night (red bulb) would be good. not sure what the prefered substrate is for snakes nowadays. a heat stone would be nice too. maybe a nice big ceramic water bowl to take a dip in. some fake plants for her to use as camo would make her happy i bet. happy shopping!

  6. Well.... If your splurging,

    What kind of tank do you have her in? I suggest a 20l (or larger for an adult ball) if you don't already have one.

    I suggest you get an Under tank heater for your main heat source and buy a thermostat (ex. Repti-Temp 500 R} to control it's temperature. If you need more heat for night or something you can get a heat lamp with a red bulb or a ceramic heat emitter.

    You'll also want to get at least one (two recommended) digital thermometer with a probe to measure the temp on the warm side and the cool side. I'd also get a good hygrometer to measure the humidity, or to kill one bird with one stone you can get this (I highly recommend it)

    As for hides, I really like Exo Terra Reptile Caves ( ) I have two identical caves in my balls cage. They are super easy to clean, look nice/natural (kinda like rocks) and they are perfect for a ball python. They come in multiple sizes to fit any snake and they are pretty cheap.

    I don't really like AstroTurf as a bedding because you have to clean and replace it every time my snake poops. I use aspen shavings and shredded coconut husk. Both of these are pretty absorbent and keep odor to a minimum (if there is any) plus you only have to spot clean and do a major cleaning every month or so.

    The last thing you will need is a nice big and heavy water bowl. The bowl needs to be big enough for the snake to fit into completely and heavy enough that the snake can't tip it over.

    You can also get some nice fake plants and a branch to make it look more natural. People say that ball pythons don't like to climb, but i always seem mine tangled it the thing.

    Sorry it's kinda long and good luck!

    Here are links to what I use in my snake cages.

    add: Don't get bedding with a lot of dust, There is a slight chance it could respiratory problems, Most bedding that are made for reptiles don't have much dust, so stick to those.

  7. i've had my ball python for 6 months now and here is what i suggest: go to your local pet store like petco and buy some new bedding called: carefresh bedding, get a big enough bag for the cage. next is the light for your cage, get a infrared heat lamp 75 W, leave that on all day for the snake to keep warm, next get a basking spot lamp 75 W, turn that on for the night only. get a fake plant for the snake and a fake log for it, so it has some place to hide. try and buy cave for it and then a water dish for it too. and get some temperture and humidty gauges for the cage too also if u have enough money get a new cage, a cage labed reptiles. ive spent over $300 on stuff my snake but it was all worth it.

  8. DO NOT get a heating rock. not good for ball pythons.

    i suggest getting an under the tank heating pad instead of heating lamps.  they are cheaper in the long run (you wont have to buy light bulbs).  

    any kind of hide will be fine...i use a shoe box...but if you want to buy something, thats cool too. they like things small and dark.

  9. Do not get a heat rock, it can cause the snake to have burns on his stomach.  I would recommend at least a 20 gallon tank if you do not already have one.  For heating I would get a red 40 or 60 watt bulb and maybe an under tank heat pad.  I would also recommend 2 thermometers, one for the warm end and one for the cool end to make sure your temps are in range (80-85 degrees hot end with a 90 degree basking area and 75-80 cool end) It may be a good idea to get a thermometer that also shows humidity because you want to have some humidity to help the snake shed.  I would have two  hide spots, one for each end.  I think your idea of astroturf is a good idea because it would be easy to clean.  You may want to have two so you could swap out as you clean.  Another idea would be a thermostat to more easily regulate temps for the heat lamp and heater.  I hope this helps.  Some of the products I use are made by ZooMed.
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