
BET vs. WET? Someone tell me what the difference is!?

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Soo....someone please tell me why white people would be racist if we made a channel called "W.E.T"..."white entertainment television" ?

Oooor....why its concidered racist to be proud of your white skin? I see hispanic people with..."mexican pride" etc on their cars and its not offensive...

Someone....please...enlightn me....b/c i dont see why everytime white people want something or just whites its racist?




  1. sounds like your al trying to be PC watch what you want,be be proud of who you are,after all how many of us can say exactly what make up we are?

    It's a wise man who knows his own father.................

  2. It would be racist because Caucasians are the majority at the time. Basically, it is only accepted for minorities to have their own personal stations. However, whites could also do this, but they can not be as broad....such as using nationalities for example. An Italian-pride,Irish-pride, British-pride channel would be perfectly acceptable.

    Actually, contrary to your belief...Blacks, Africans, Jamaicans, and Haitians tend to differentiate from each other. Blacks consider themselves the ones whose ancestors were former slaves. What we consider African are 1st generation African immigrants.

    Technically, B.E.T. is geared for the mainstream Blacks whose ancestors can be traced back to slavery times as it does not care about playing the raggae music that many Jamaicans and Haitians care for so much.

    Nor does it attempt to play any of the African homeland music.

    The 4 group even hold stereotypes about each other.

  3. I'm white and live in America (I assume you do to).  I don't really understand why white people get upset about BET, Mexican pride, etc.

    In America, whites are the majority.  If you are a minority, it's only natural to seek out affiliation with others that are like you.  If I lived in Japan, I would want to seek out the company of other whites or Americans.  Why?  Because, most of the forms of entertainment there are geared to Asians and their culture.  I would seek out entertainment that is more relevant to my culture.

    Also, if I lived in Japan, I would be proud to be who I am (white).  I would not try to forget my culture.  I would want my children to understand where they came from.

    Besides, having BET available does not mean that you are forced to watch it.  It simply gives those in a minority position, an opportunity to watch a form of entertainment that is more relevant to their culture.

  4. white people have somthing called CMT and MTV is pretty white

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