
BETA FISH has a bubble on one of his eyes. Please advice?

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We have 4 beta fish, separated in different glass containers. They are very well and have lived for more then 3 years now. Nepoleon is the one who has some kind of bubble on his left eye. It shrunk a bit today but it is still disgusting. What can I do ? Thanks in advance for the advice.




  1. it could be the start of pop eye.  Pop eye can be caused by a number of things, poor water conditions (don't think that is it if he is 3 years old) bacterial or parasitic problems.  

    Be sure it isn't a parasite lodged in the eye.

    Chances are it is more of a bacterial problem.  Using a broad spectrium anti bacterial is your best bet with clean water.

  2. Sounds like pop-eye, go buy some medications for pop eye at the pet store. It is caused by poor water quality, so watch the water quality to make sure this does not happen again.

  3. Sounds like Popeye. It's a bacterial infection of the eye, usually caused by dirty water.

    First, change the tank water completely. Keep his water super clean for the next few days - I don't know what size tank he's in, but keep his water sparkling. Add a little extra aquarium salt with each water change along with his usual conditioner. You can buy Maracyn-2 at most pet stores - I've only experienced Popeye a few times, but the stuff works wonders. If you can get it, great - treat him with it until the Popeye fades. If not, just keep up with the clean water and salt treatment. Popeye is fairly easy to treat, and your little guy should be back to normal soon.

    Good luck!

  4. at petsmart they have special medicine for dad bought some for his fish, the fish don't like it much but it heels it...

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