
BETTA FISH PROBLEM.. helpp meeeeeeee?

by  |  earlier

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my betta fish who i had for about 2 years has been laying almost all the way down in his cage. his colr lk kind f pale. and i found a small piece of his tail in the cage. he hasnt been moving much and not eating. hes been using his lower gills alot and in all he is breathing faster. i changed the water because i thought it was clorine in the water but i dont think thats it anymore.. is he ill or dieing.. orr what ???




  1. Your Betta is NOT dyeing of old age, they can live up to six, or seven yrs if properly taken care of, (my sisters liven until it was six).

    did you add conditioner to the water you added? if you did whatever you have been doing for the past two yrs to keep the betta alive, maybe the city you live in changed the types of purifiers that they use in their water, and therefore making it no longer safe for aquarium use, unless it is conditioned first. its good to be on the safe side and use the conditioners before adding new water.  

    bettas act exactly as you described when they are too cold. try keeping the tank at a higher temp. for a while.  

    as for the piece of the tail that you found, your betta has fin rot, which is eating away the fish's fins. this could also cause the symptoms of what you are seeing. treat the fish soon, because once the fin rot reaches the body it is deadly to the fish.  

  2. hes very old and probably dieing, srry

  3. Bettas live usually around 2-3 years, 4 if your lucky. So it could be old age. He could have cut his tail on a plastic plant. Here's how you can help your betta.

    Clean the water AND gravel again. (add some extra water conditioner)

    Take out all the plastic plants.

    Get some new food. (pellets, flakes, bloodworms, brineshrimp)

    But it would just be cheaper to just wait for him to die. But I'll understand that you don't want to do that because you love him.

  4. I had a fish that did that to and then died. He would just lay at the bottom and not eat or anything. I think hes going to die, SORRY:((((((

  5. More than likely your betta is dying of old age here check this web page out hope this helps and happy to hear you take such good care of your fish that it lives to see its life span average!

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