
BETTAS question help!!!!!!!!!!

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will two female bettas fight each other if no separator is there?




  1. you shouldn't put two of the same genders together only a male and a female but it depends on witch female. some males wont get along with some females.

  2. YES!!! but not as aggressively as males, do get a divider if you want both to live!!I've tried this trust me.

  3. probably yes but usually male and female fight

  4. nope.. female are usually kept together... at times, they can store as many as 20 - 30 female betta together...

    earn money, yeah!

    U need to read up on breeding betta..

    there are tons of resources out there.

  5. Females are better kept in groups of 5 or more in a 20 gallon tank.  With 2 there will always be a fight for dominance.  They aren't as aggressive as the males but can do some damage to each other.


  6. If there are only two, yes.  Sometimes you can get them in schools of 6 plus with minimum damage because it spreads out the dominance battles, but with only two they will concentrate on attacking each other, and they will either all out attack or there will be a dominant one and a submissive one that is always in danger.

  7. nope females do not fight each other.

  8. No but the males will

    females are not meant to fight only males

  9. on average no, but some will be ok to get some, but are you talking about one of those tiny tanks?not good for 2 bettas at all

  10. Well, females will fight unless there are at least 3 female Betta's in there...5 is better to make the aggression spread out among the fish.

    \Edit:Bettas are very hard to breed because of there aggression. If you want a beginners fish that is easy er to breed that guppies, I say go with either kribensis or dwarf gouramis.=)

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