
BEsT wAy To LeArN hOw To SuRf?

by Guest59178  |  earlier

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what and where is the best way to learn how to surf in NC?

ive never tried it before if that helps




  1. I learned how to surf about six months ago. For the first month I had my friend teach me. After that I just hit the waves and battled it out by myself. Although I learned the rest on my own I NEVER surfed alone because things can happen and plus you may need some pointers here and there  from more experienced friends.  I will say it is a very cool experience the whole learning process. BTW if you dont already have a board dont buy one unless your sure your going to keep surfing. Borrow from friends or rent a board. Hope this helps have fun!!

  2. Get a board and hit the waves!

  3. Getting lessons with a certified instructor is your best and safest bet.

    Otherwise I'd rent or borrow a long board, (at least 9' long - they're the easiest to learn on), and ride the whitewater to get started.

    Here's a great article I always recommend to beginners that I found at a surfing blog:

    Have fun!!!

  4. You want to find a surf school in your area.

    Make sure the instructors are certified.

    That would be your best bet.

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