
BFN @ doc's office, but still no AF...Pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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Last period started July 28, then I went off the pill. If cycle was normal, would have started Aug 26th. I had a doc appt for a yeast infection on Aug 29, and the pee test came back Negative for pregnancy. I still have not started my period. Should I buy a HPT yet? What are the chances I could be pregnant if the pee test was negative?




  1. do as the previous poster advised. it won't hurt, as she said.

    however, if the tests come back negative, try going to your doc to perform a blood test on you. that would be the next step after hpt's.

    in some cases, a women needs to go even further to confirm her pregnancy beliefs by having an u/s done. some women just don't test positive for weeks on end &, in many cases, throughout their pregnancy!


  2. There is a chance. The doctor's office usually uses tests that detect HCG at 50 mIU/ml. This is because they are not early response tests. Most you get over the counter - if they are marked "early response" detect HCG at 25 mIU/ml - though some are even lower anecdotally.

    This can help you with tests:

    It can't hurt to take one.

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