
BFP! I'm Pregnant 11 DPO

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i just found out today, took 2 HPT, and a urine test at the doctor's office today, i posted my over joy earlier today, but now i'm just wondering, when do i tell people? when should i tell my family? friends, or co-workers?




  1. asap...if u waiut till u start showing there gonna think u dint want them to know

  2. Congratulations!

    As for telling friends, family and co-workers; I'd wait until after your first visit with your Doctor.  Reason being, there is a risk of miscarriage in early pregnancy and it is easier to tell everyone when your peace of mind has been had by confirmation by your Doctor via an ultra sound.

    However, I can never wait and jump the gun every time.  If you want the world to share in your joy, then go for it!

    Have a healthy and happy pregnancy!

  3. When ever you feel comfortable!


  4. That's strictly up to you.  You are in the first few weeks of pregnancy.  You can always wait a little longer to make sure all is okay.  Don't want to worry you, just be aware that sometimes there are problems early on.  I'm sure all is fine!  If you are healthy and haven't had any problems, there should be nothing to worry about.

    Congrats!!!  You do what you feel is best.  Tell them now or wait, it's your call.

  5. Congratulations!

    Tell whom ever you want when you are comfortable. I tried to wait but after two weeks I couldn't take it any more. But just so you know it seems to be the hardest secret for people to keep. No matter how much they love you. Expect the word to travel really fast once you start telling.

  6. how old r u?

  7. It is a personal preference on when to tell.  Many do wait until they are about 12 weeks because should they miscarry they do not want to have to go through telling everyone.

    Me personally, I told everyone.  I did miscarry my first pregnancy.  Miscarriage is very common for women in their first pregnancy.  Out of myself, sisters and cousins (7) of us I was the only one that did.  I did not regret my decision.  I ended up having 2 beautiful daughters and told everyone with each of them right away as well.  

    My family, friends and co-workers were great.  I would have hated to have miscarried and then no one know what was going on with me.  If you are excited and want to tell, then go for it!!

  8. I think you should only tell your close family like your mom and dad and then siblings but no cousins for now. After a few checkups with the doctor then you should start announcing. I know its hard to wait but its the right thing to do.

  9. I would definitely tell close relatives such as parents, siblings or close friends. People with whom you are comfortable with and trust. I would wait to tell others and co-workers till about 3 months. Unfortunately the womens body maintains the baby untill the third month at which the placenta takes over. Till then hormone levels can affect your prgnancy and ultimately determine if you carry through. It would be heart breaking to share this great joy just to possibly have it go the other way. This is my personal choice and yes it is hard not to want to tell everyone becasue we are so excited but it may save some heartache in the end. Congratulations and I wish the absolute best for you and your baby.  

  10. Congratulations!!! You tell them whenever you are ready!!!!

  11. I would wait until you are at least 13 weeks. I told people as soon as I found out (5 weeks) and then miscarried a couple of weeks later. I wished that I would have waited so I wouldn't have had to tell everyone that I had lost the baby. Doctors say that after 13 weeks your chances of miscarriage drastically drop. If I get pregnant again, I will probably just tell immediate family and tell the others at 13 weeks. Hope all goes well...

  12. Whenever you feel ready to tell them the good news. Some people wait until they're 12 weeks pregnant to announce their pregnancy because the miscarriage risk decreases significantly..but it's up to you. Congrats!

  13. congrats!!!!!!  i would tell the extremely close people to me first, then wait a couple months to tell everyone else just in case somehting happens.  you dont want to feel like youre letting people down or having to break bad news to everyone you know in case something bad does happen (not saying it will).. i hear youre not supposed to tell until after the first 12 weeks or so when the miscarriage risk is gone.  good luck, and im so happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. congrats!!!


  16. Personally I would get a blood test done to be sure your pregnant because those home urine tests aren't always positive.  I think you should wait until your 4th month and then tell them. That way you are really sure.

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