
BFP? Yes or No? TTC 15 Month. Please advise.?

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Please look at my chart here

What do you think of my chances of getting a BFP soon? Do you think I owed when said so or later? I'm thinking either CD14 or CD25...what do you think?

Here are the pics of the test I took this morning (all pics were taken 5-7 mins after test was done)

All my symptoms are marked on my chart. I'd post them here, but there are too many to do so in my opinion.




  1. Well, from the looks of your tests, it doesn't look like you are pregnant.  You COULD be testing too soon however, so if AF doesn't show up, test again in a week or so.  If it's still negative, wait another week and then test.  By then, the HCG should be showing up in your system so if you are still getting negative tests, get a blood test by your Dr.  Symptoms don't always mean anything.  They could be symptoms of AF or it could be your body tricking you because you want to be pregnant so bad.  I've had the same problem. :)  Good luck and baby dust to you!!

  2. The egg would be fertilized on the day you ovulated (the day of conception). It takes the fertilized egg around a week and up to 10 days to implant into the uterus. Once the egg is implanted then your body starts releasing pregnancy hormones HCG. Prior to implantation you are not pregnant. Prior to implantation your body does not even know that you conceived.

    It takes a while for the HCG to build in your system. Your body's reaction to HCG is what causes pregnancy symptoms. Home pregnancy test look for HCG to conclude pregnancy. You must have enough HCG in your urine to register a positive. There is no point in taking home pregnancy tests prior to when your period should be arriving. It is a waste of money and sanity because there is always the possibility you could be pregnant and it is not registering because you don't have enough HCG in your system yet. When you do take a home pregnancy test, use your first morning's urine. It contains the highest level of HCG.

    Most women do not experience pregnancy symptoms until they are six weeks pregnant. Some feel it as early as four weeks pregnant - but that would still be at least 28 days into your cycle. And this only pertains to women who ovualte before cycle day 16.

    Your charts are difficult to interpret.  I scrolled down and took a look at them all.  If you are not already, make an appointment with a reproductive endocrinologist (RE).  They are specialists in women's cycles and infertility.  Your charts indicate that you have a problem.  you need a competent doctor to determine what the problem is and the best way to treat it.  

  3. i don't know what bfp is but having looked at your pics you're not pregnant theres not even a faint line. sorry love.

  4. BFP means big fat positive for the answer above. As far as the test go I don't even see a faint line sweetie. are just testing too early. Good Luck:)

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