
BH contractions start???

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I'm 29 wks and here lately if I stand or walk for more than 10 minutes I get sharp pains in my lower abdomen..... Could these be BH contractions??? When did everyone start to get BH contraction??




  1. i've been getting braxton hicks for a few weeks now.

    to me it just feels like the baby is balling up, and my uterus gets harder, its not painful but it is unconfertable.

  2. Usuaully BH are painless contractions. U might be expiriencing realy contrax. I would def. go to see what is causing the pain.  

  3. No, those aren't BH contractions.  Most likely its the baby's position putting pressure on a nerve.  Its probably not serious, but be sure to mention it to your doctor or midwife the next time you see them.

    BTW, BH contractions feel like a blood pressure cuff being inflated around your abdomen.

  4. For me they started at 29 weeks with #3.  HOwever, mine felt like really bad tightening of my abdomen--not sharp pain--but I suppose they may feel differently for different women.

  5. No braxton hicks aren't painful at all...for me they feel like just my whole stomach tightening and it kind of takes my breath away, but absoultely no pain.

    I started gettin' braxton hicks at around 26 weeks.  

  6. Maybe, although it could also be round ligament pain.  Lower abdomen shooting though the hips and/or thighs?  If so then yeah, it could be round ligament.  BH's don't really mean a whole lot, they are more your body practicing for the real thing!  You've probably already had some and not even noticed them as they usually begin very painlessly.  

    Just take it easy and keep hydrated.  That can help with round ligament pain and make sure you are getting enough electolytes as that will help too!

  7. BH isnt really sharp pains...its more of a tightening in the uterus, your entire stomach will get really hard and its usually not too painful.. BH contractions start very early in pregnancy, you just cant feel them until you start to get bigger..

    Hope this helps

  8. I have BH contractions and they are not sharp they are tight and don't hurt they are just uncomfortable. I get lots of pain in lower abdomen but if you are concerned ask the doctor at your next appointment!

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