
BIDEN and OBAMA bad choice?

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I think it is. Not because I am a Mccain supporter. It just doesnt seem to be a good pick. For one, Biden has been in politics for 30 years, and the whole "change" thing obama is campaigning with, well it just contradicts everything he has campaigned about with this choice of VP. Comments please. LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. They are both bad choices! One wet behind the ears and the other ready for a nursing home, should be interesting.

  2. Umm, electing Obama instead of McCain will be a huge change.  Why do you think otherwise?  Biden has 35 years of experience, not 30.

  3. there will be a Change,  A change in which party has the white house.

    Biden has been, is, and will be,  looking out for the common man.   Not the rich.   That is the change we need!!!

  4. Of course libs will try to put lipstick on this pig and pretend they love him, but the handwriting is on the wall, they're disappointed.

  5. Not only does it contradict the 'change' message -- but it's also interesting to note that Biden and Obama have disagreed on many issues, including Barack's qualifications to be President. Why would you select someone for your running mate when they've openly said that you're not ready for the Presidency?

    Call McCain all the names you want -- but if THAT's not a sign of poor judgement in Obama, I don't know what is...

  6. It is a political move.  A lot of people I know who are older democrats like Biden.  HOwever, I don't feel that the VP makes all that much difference.  Unless we are talking about Mr. Behind the Scenes Gun HAppy VP that we have now.

  7. So would you rather him pick another young person so we can hear how inexperienced his ticket is?  

  8. You can't change Washington from the outside.

    Obama has the vision, Biden is the ways and means.

  9. I love and support Obama but I think Biden is a horrible choice. The guy doesn't even know how to talk. It will not change my opinions about Obama but he would make much better without Biden.

  10. Nope.

    Good choice.

    Experience that many say he lacked in foreign policy.

    (2000 or times a day here on Y/A)

    No nonsense guy who will put up a fight.

    (like Cheney in that regard)

    Real everyday guy.

    (train to work every day, not wealthy, not born to privilege.)

  11. It's a good choice.  Obama has been ridiculed as not having enough experience.  Biden has experience.  He will serve to compliment Obama.  There will be change, even with Biden as V.P.  

    To much has been made of the "change" word.  Virtually everyone running for President in the history of the U.S. has used the term change, unless they were an incumbent running for a second term.

  12. True but as Obama contradicts himself (what else is new), he wants to show that his ticket has "experience".

    Anyways, it's good for McCain supporters.  

  13. GREAT CHOICE! Mccain has a better chance statistically to win the presidential race. If I may recall, Biden was running in the presidential election and has lost in the past because of plagiarism to a speech he never wrote. Now, this is a person who is a liar, and power hungry and a person we do not want in office.

    If Obama was smart (a harvard law graduate may i remind you), he would have chosen Hilary Clinton. The reason is because the democrats are divided from Clinton and Obama supporters. In fact I was researching polls and 25% are voting for Mccain because Clinton is out of the presidential race. 18% are also voting for Mccain because Obama chose Biden.

    Don't be fooled of Obama and his positive outlook on change. He is the wrong change that America does not need. Bad outlook: universal health care doesn't work, look what people in Canada have to say about universal health care. You can get it better idea of the failure it would make in America. Obama flip flops, like most liberals. He can talk the talk but can he walk the walk? No way, not in a million years.

    Its funny that Clinton says she is all for Obama, when there is an ad on TV where she says that Obama is running a negative campaign. Research both sides. Not experienced, not ready for president. Mccain is a war veteran, POW, and knows how to solve Americas problems.

    I hope Mccain chooses Romney for VP. He is an expert in economics and business, and both will fix Americas problems for the economy and national security.

  14. I agree as a McCain supporter also.  I could not have wished for anything that would promote Republicans more, than Biden and the same old BS from the liberals.


  15. Bad choice simply because Biden is an arrogant a*****e. We should call it the snob - a*****e ticket. Anyway, good for McCain, he should have no problem winning, check the polls lately? Neck and neck, and when it comes time to vote, the quiet, not-so-vocal part of America will come forward and vote their conscience despite the media hype. Despite all the "change" rhetoric and gimmickery and that vote will be for experience and sound leadership. Sorry folks, but emotional, rosy-colored idealism will never win over common sense. McCain in 2008.

  16. Obama bin Biden was a bad choice. This election was never about change. It was about going back to liberal democratic policies of tax and spend.

  17. I still can't get over the fact that Obama picked someone who not only personally insulted him, but insulted all black (or half-black) people in the process.  I agree with your points, too.  Obama is really taking the people who've brought him as far as he is for granted.

  18. Intelligent Americans, real patriots, know elections have been smoke and mirrors for fifty years.

    The Council on Foreign Relations (visit the John Birch Society - the REAL conservatives - for more info on this satanic group) deliberately staged the two weak candidates against McCain/whoever to throw the election McCain's way.  

    It's so obvious if you're wellread.  And not a twentysomething know-it-all who hasn't been alive for the last fifty years to witness the unceasing degeneration of America under the tutelage of the israel lobby.

  19. Of course he's a bad choice.  What is really funny is how all the zealots rally around and yet this just shows that Obama is nothing more than a DNC puppet and goes along with what he's told to do like a good little boy.  The DNC knows it's fringe groups are nothing more than easily manipulated lemmings and by playing to their inadequacies they will push them to do what the party wants.  I've always thought it was funny to look at how these conforming non-conformists explain their utter lack of originality.

  20. Biden has alot of foreign policy experience, something that Barack Obama lacks. He knows this and picked Biden to fill in the holes.

    Plus Biden is very outspoken (often longwinded). He's been in DC for a while but hes not afraid to speak up.

    The problem is, trying to sell two newbies to the public if you want to go for a complete change ticket. I think people would get a little too nervous.  Obama is the new, Biden is the best of the old. I really think it's a great combo.

    The Republicans make a big deal of what Biden said when running against Obama in the primaries. They forget about Romney. Alot of them want him to be McCain's VP and the two of them had alot of not so nice things to say about eachother.

  21. I think it was an extremely poor choice.  What kind of "change" is Biden?  He could have prved himself with a younger or a female choice  ( can you say Hilary)  Also, did he think about the Osama bin Laden / Obama Biden thing???  I wasn't sure on who to vote for - the vice president choice was going to help me did, I am voting for McCain.

  22. It will be a HUGE change from Bush's policies. Thats the kind of change we need.

    I'm happy that he picked Biden.  

  23. It is, friend, it is!

  24. Well, it didn't start off to well, Biden goofed the intro "Obama America" and Obama didn't have his teleprompter working so "The next President errr Vice-President..."  Not exactly a resounding endorsement.  

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