
BIG CHEEKS HELP! (why r u laughing??)

by  |  earlier

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PLEEEEEEEEESE TELL ME ANY WAY TO MINIMIZE MY HUGE CHEEKS??? any thing will do...they r really annoying ..should I lose weight?? or there are specific food to give up?? any facial exercises??thanx

here's me...




  1. You're very pretty and there's nothing wrong with your cheeks  

  2. you have a skinny face, theyre are no cheeks on your face?

  3. GET OUT.....they arnt big AT ALL, i was expecting to see this big fatty, your really pretty and DONT HAVE BIG CHEEKS...jeeeez.

  4. Ur Cheeks Look Fine, But If U Do Think They Are Big I Agree With The Person Above x

  5. where are the big cheeks? your cheeks are well defined! stop fretting. whatever is there is baby fat and will go IN ITS OWN time :) otherwise your cheeks look good!

  6. omg... they arent that bad... but i have really big cheeks and i minimize them by applying bronzer underneath the cheekbone and apply highlighter on the cheekbone itself!! defo works! i swear by it!


  7. You havn't got big cheeks at all, you look perfectly normal

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