
BIG HAMSTR and little hamster?

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if someone put a big hamster in with a dwarf hamster would the little one be ateing?




  1. If you put two male drawfs together they may fight. A male and female drawf will breed. Two female dwarfs will live happily together. BUT NEVER PUT A DRAWF HAMSTER WITH ANOTHER HAMSTER THAT'S NOT A DRAWF BECAUSE THE OTHER ONE WILL EAT THE DRAWF!!!!!!!!!

  2. The big hamster may kill the little hamster ( happened before to a friend)

  3. I have a big hamster and a dwarf hamster whenever i put them in the same cage they fight. I would not reccomend putting different types of hamsters together...... one might be eating the other one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. the bigger one would kill the smaller one plz dont be cruel keep them away from each other and dont put them together!!!!!!!!!

  5. The syrian hamster (or as you call it, big hamster) would fight with the dwarf hamster and the dwarf would be hurt, most likely killed.

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