
BIG PROBLEM about love and age...but its true love.?

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ITS LONG BUT PLEASE HELP AND READ!!!! well idk how to explain this since many people wont understand but I know me and her love each other a lot well to start me and my gf met online and after a time we started to like and eventually love each other so we cant meet a lot but we keep in contact later I find out she was younger than i expected but not a age difference more than 5 I am 18 and she is younger than me 1-5 years apart when I find out so I thought I could get in trouble for that cause she under 18, I mean its ok as long as we dont make s*x or touch those areas but lately she been telling me to make love to her and I know that is not a good idea but she keeps telling me and even gets me horny over the phone and we have never done it yet but she say she loves me so much she wants to take the love deeper and make more physical contact and if I could I would ask a judge who had time but I might get in serious troub;e for that so thats why I am asking for nice humans with knowledge likes you guys and girls please help, we do love each other a lot and I dont reall want to get her pregnant cause I told her that even if we did s*x which I think is ilegal it will be will be with condom but she said no its like she wants me to get her pregnant cause she wants me forever and idk what to tell her,is there a way i can satisfy her? idk but lately her s*x cells been acting a lot and I am trying my best to avoid s*x with her cause I kind of know the consequences even though I will really take care of the kid myself but only if the law dont aresst me, but its better to avoid that cause i want to marry her in the future and finish my studies know which I am starting college now, hope you dont hate me for falling in love with some one younger I couldnt even believe it myself but trust me she is pretty mature and she is the way I love and I would never want to harm her in anyway cause i truly deeply love her with all my heart she is my princess and she feel the same, but we need some help with this her mom knows about her having a bf but she dont know I am 18...cause i look like 16 and she like 15, to tell you the truth I hate age...I might be 18 but I am sometimes childish like she is but thats because I love her a lot and yes I am willing to wait but she cant wait for s*x so help please.




  1. She is not mature if she wants to have a baby  That is just ridiculous.  Stop seeing this girl.  She is nothing but trouble.  If you have s*x with her, you could go to prison.  

    You aren't in love, you are just flattered that she wants you.  You can't know her very well since you haven't spent a lot of time with her in person.  

    Stop communicating with this girl before you get in serious trouble. Quit finding girls online, and start spending time with people your own age and in your own school.    

  2. I suggest you tell her its her hormones and to cool it!You are going to have to take control of the situation and make sure that nothing happens or she will get you in really big trouble! She is a child yet she has a womans body.The hormones go crazy.The upside is if you wait it will be so much better and it will help you both make sure that this is for you.3 years is not that long.

  3. If she cared enough about you, she wouldn't want you to get in trouble.  

  4. s*x with a minor is illegal !

    in some countries you can get whipped and thrown into jail !

    at 18 you do not know yr own mind/body.forget it !

    and if in a few years you feel you still want her then go look for her again !

  5. Age is not a problem when we discuss about love. according to me, i think that love is blind. I can do anything foolish just because i love her. But of course not s*x. I object s*x before marry. I think that it is not the right way to show that you love that girl. I will alway stick to the one i marry to have s*x. You can say me old-fashion but i think i had the right way. Since now, i had no girlfriend at all. None as i am still very young. I need to concentrate on my studies first. So, why don't you stick to your studies? You can still find your love ones after that. No matter of how long, if the person truely love you, she will still wait for you forever. It is called love isn't it? You can tell your girlfriend that it is illegal to have s*x at this young age. And i think that your girlfriend is too interested in knowing what is s*x and maybe the process. But, it can wait. Anyway, just don't have s*x as it is illegal. You may get into jail if you perform s*x with a female at the age below 18. So watch out what you are doing. Don't walk the wrong path.  

  6. My boyfriend is 18 and I'm only just 16... So thats almost 3 years.

    We met on the internet and eventually started talking on the phone every single night from 9 till we fell asleep and the phone would still be online until morning. Before he used to have a lot of nightmares and say something and I'd wake up and talk to him about it and help him sleep. He always does the same for me.

    We've been at this for almost a year now.

    About a month ago he flew down to my city to stay with me. It was the greatest time of our lives, everything was fine.

    We never had s*x because neither of us wanted to. The advantage of long distance was that there was never anything physical or sexual and that can be really great if both people want a relationship thats not based on s*x.

    Don't worry about the age, it means nothing. It all depends on how mature she is. As for her s*x drive, she needs to know that you can be locked up for going along with it. Morally, I don't believe theres anything wrong with that when it's concentual and theres only a few years difference, but it's illegal. For you to be avoiding that is very, very smart of you. If she can't understand how harmful s*x will be then she's probably not mature enough to be in this relationship.

    I don't think there are really good ways for you to turn her off without turning her off, if you know what I mean. Teenagers face a lot of sexual tension with all the hormones their bodies are producing. It depends what she's looking for, if it's a sexual relationship then theres really nothing you can do and it probably won't work out. What kept me and my boyfriend together was that we weren't in it for the physical reasons, we didn't even find each other attractive at first! We just had a very good emotional connection and thats what you really need. I can tell you want that too but it will only work if she does.

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